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MagicLoves blogg

Född: 1991
Bor i: Eslöv
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*Klotterplank* 27 jun 13
Where is the start, When you search the end?

Its like a storm
That cuts a path
Its breaks your will
It feels like that

Dont bother trying to catch me,
If youre not prepared to take the pain that comes with the fall.

How do you know where youre going,
when you dont know where youve been?

Lately Im so tired of waiting for you
To say that its ok, but tell me
Please, would you one time
Just let me be myself?
So I can shine with my own light
Let me be myself?
Would you let me be myself?

Not knowing what you feel,
Is not the same as not feeling anything.

Everything will be okay in The End.
If its not okay, its not The End.

I looked down and noticed the scars on her wrist, they looked like they were fresh so I figured take a risk.
I asked her about them and she gave a slight laugh

"Battle scars from all of my fights in the past.
Fights with my parents,
Fights with my demons,
The razor always took my side when the rest were leaving.
I embraced it.
In fact, it became my best friend.
It became my therapy and my means to an end.
Im addicted to the rush and how it makes me feel normal,
It reminds me that Im human and it lets me know Im mortal."

The pain became pleasure,
And the blade became love.

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