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honheterjennys blogg

Född: 93
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tack 16 aug 09

here iam again with my words
because I know you said
ive never written poetry for you

and I told you it will come

so see how it is
because here iam sitting
putting words into words
magic for you

I never knew I would be the one
writing a poem like this
but now it is
and it couldnt feel more right

im not sure you read the words
that is dedicated to you
and I know there are poets
better than me

but I also know another thing
there isn’t people walking this earth
that can love like I do

and even if I don’t seem to touch hearts
as I wish
and even if I cant draw smiles on your lips
that last forever

my words will always be yours

tack för dikten superscott
jag älskar dig.
my hand in yours

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