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Övriga dikter

Deviant year

Winter, spring, summer, fall,
where have you gone, I can´t find you all.
Winter with your chilly nights,
Spring when snow with verdure fights,
Summer with all your lovely flowers.
But Fall I can´t find from the worlds all towers.

We need you, we want you, that´s for sure,
we´ll never wish you disappear no more.

Oh, the whispering wind in bare woods,
schoolchildren dressed in jackets and hoods,
the sparkeling colours of leaves in the air,
we´ll give you another chance, to be fair.

Come again, come again, come again, come again,
be back before I´ve counted to ten!

I can´t see you, you´re still gone,
please come back, I beg you to,
you are the one we want to see,
you´re still not inside the door,
I want to see you whole and alive,
I want to light a fire with sticks,
Fall would be like heaven,
we really miss you mate,
I´ll keep you forever as mine,
oh, thank God you´re back again!
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