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Övriga dikter

your black wings

[she said]
Your black wings around me
Like the night crawling in
I feel your breathing
Your blood like mine

[he said]
Fragile young lily
Shivering in the wind
Don't you feel it all around you?
Evil is in the wind

[she said]
You are all around me
Am I supposed to feel a thing?
What can be more evil
Then a man with black wings?

[he said]
You shiver when you speak
Yet you feel like you can defeat me
I find it kind of amusing
Want to play for a while?

[she said]
You play with pain and fear and hatred
I am sure not to like it friend
Never even a happy ending
For that is life you say

[he said]
The demon king of all things hated
Is the one to rule you
And it is all by your free will
So play with me again

[she said]
You tell me I have free will
Yet you tell me I've already chosen
By not knowing the facts you'd hidden
I think I made a mistake

[he said]
Then feel free to kill me
But oh, you cannot do that
Are you really so weak
As to not kill the ones that hurt you?

[she said]
You really like this game friend
We will never get anywhere
You know I will never kill you
If I am stuck with you so be it

[he said]
How frustrating it has always been
To know I cannot play you love
It is me by name and by will
To play all thing living

[she said]
I can se that you are more then that
And that is why you hate me
Why do you seek only hate and fear?
Stupid man with black wings

[he said]
Because the heavens was ruled by cruel gods
And the human heart is weak
It could never see me
With anything but hate and fear

[she said]
Why do you keep coming here?
Why don't you just stay away?
Is it because I showed you kindness
When you tried with fear?

[he said]
A stupid little girl you are
And will that always be, naive
I will keep coming here
Until you die by my hand

[she said]
I know you could friend
So why don't you?
Would it help to know I hate you
And fear you all as well?

[he said]
Yet there you are, weak, never strong
And you feel for me
I need to leave you now
I need to be alone

(w00t? I won?)
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