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I see the world in black -part1-

no, not again.
I feel the tears and the breakdown coming again!
no, i don't want to!! Please.. I'm going to collapse!
I refuse to eat, I'm not hungry, I don't want my mother or sister to see me like this..
I hear how they laughing out there, in the kitchen.
I can't take this anymore..
All I do or say is just wrong..
They are finished eating now and I hear how my mother knacking on the door.
- Go away!, I say..
- Whats wrong, little girl?, she asked..
'I just want to be alone!' I thinking, but I say 'nothing..'
I know that she know something is wrong.
Oh, thats close..
I can see how the blood run down of the cut in my arm.
oh, I can't hold the tears inside anymore! I refuse to cry! NO!! It hurts!!!
No one knows I'm going to commit suicide, except my poor soul.. It's crying tears of blood..
I think that, If I fall asleep I'll never wake up again, I'm afraid..
I'm so unhappy, I just want to die!
Right here, Right now..
I feel the emptiness fill me with pain and sorrow..once again..
Damn the Pain! I hate It, I really do!!
My blue eyes are filled with pain, sorrow, weakness, tears and hate. It's so clear, everybody can see it.
It hurts, hurts so much..
The memories of my past, the happy days, are all gone.
I can't remember one single happy day of my life anymore..
Now I just lay here in my bed crying, bleeding..
My pillow is wet and red.
I'm sick of all lies from almost all the people in the world.
they say that they love me, that they care, that they always will be there for me..
But I realize that no ones really there..
I'm living in a hell hole!
I just want to dissapear!!
I don't belong here..

Oh No! Someone knacking on my door again! no..
- LEAVE ME ALOOONE!!, I scream.
- Its me.. Whats wrong?, my sister asked.
- Not...Nothing! Just leave me alone! I want to be alone!
- OK.....
I have to be more careful...
Oooh, my soul screaming for help..
I feel so immortal!
Nobody is immortal?..
I'm going to commit suicide sooner or later...
I'm worthless, I'm everything that I hate!
I can't find a reason to stay alive anymore..
I'm so fucking worthless and stupid!!
Everything I say or do is just WRONG!!
I just want to die...
I hate this life..

The blood just flow down...
I refuse to stop cutting myself and I don't care if I die.!
I'm dead insde allready, and it hurts..
Nobody understand me..
I miss my old friends, my old life...
I wish someone could hear me, when I scream for help, but they just ignore me..
I don't know what I have done wrong...
It hurts to know that somebody in this world will miss me..
But I'm not sure if anyone would do that..
I wish someone would love me!
I'm so lonely..
All I have is enemies..

I HATE This life!
The pain is so high, I can't handle it anymore..
I hate everything around me.
I hate everything inside me to.
I can't live this life..
I have to die..
I'm not meant to live...
I was not meant to be born..
Everything, Everything is fucked up, all the time!

I've been pushed down so many times, I feel this will be the last.
I have no strength to get up..

When you see the darkness come, The rain just flow down and you feel happy.....
Then I'm Dead.........
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Black_Bride - 21 aug 06 - 19:15- Betyg:
Gud vilken fin!!!O_O Jag älskar den! Kände igen mig lite...
sofiiie - 21 aug 06 - 07:11
Sorlig men vacker(F)
Grynet88 - 21 aug 06 - 06:37- Betyg:
:'( Ledsamt att läsa men det är riktigt bra!
Hoppas du finner kraften inom dig att ta dig upp ur det svarta!!!
Finns här som sagt om du vill lätta hjärtat!
Fortsätt skriv gillar att läsa det du skriver!!!

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21 aug 06 - 06:31
(Har blivit läst 53 ggr.)
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