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Övriga dikter

The Machine

In their ivory tower
Sit the men in power
Dictating to us
What is due and what is just
Then dodging the blame
It is ever the same
Like it's a hilarious game

They say that their hierarchy
Staves of the anarchy
But in truth they use fear
For keeping us down here
Toiling in their mines
To pay their fine wines
Under the threat of fines

They encourage segregation
Across every nation
Pitting us against each other
So we don't cause them bother
For they know they are wrong
That united we'd be strong
And could topple them before long

But who dares do right
When they have all might
Facing surveillance and troops
Anyone's courage droops
And so the machine
Infinitely cruel and mean
Leaves us no hope to be seen
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Snyggast_i_stan - 27 aug 16 - 15:27- Betyg:
Mucho Bien! Djup, rebellisk och mycket välskriven. Tummen upp från mig!

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20 aug 16 - 22:53
(Har blivit läst 212 ggr.)
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