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What is it that we hold in our hand,
This creation, put a finger on a small screen,
Is this how we get in "touch" with the world..
Or is this how we lose touch with it,
Lose touch with reality, with nature of life,
The actual social activities, the talking,
The conversations, no..really getting in contact,
Face to face, not Facebook to Facebook,
Go out, feel the air, listen to the wind,
The rustling of the leaves, run barefoot on the grass,
Connect with the earth, feel it moving, breathing,
Listen to the waves and the fluctuation of the seas,
To hell with artificial lights,
Go out side and feel the sun that nourishes you with nothing but health,
Lay awake in the night and gaze upon the beautiful stars,
Shining, glimmering across the sky,
Feel the rain drops hitting the earth, the smell of wet dirt,
Recognize the beauty of the snowflakes,
As they gently expand and gather upon one another,
Admire the beauty of the regrowing plants in the spring,
Become one with the universe, this is not who we are,
This is not where we belong, everything has become artificial,
Cold rigid, dark, sad, we are told how to live, how to talk,
How to walk, how to die, where is the freedom..my home is out there.
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Knowledge - 13 dec 15 - 19:02
@QuIztiD tack så hemskt mycket!
QuIzTiD - 11 dec 15 - 20:58- Betyg:
Älskar den. Riktigt bra.

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11 dec 15 - 20:30
(Har blivit läst 147 ggr.)
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