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My crush

You look so perfect everywhere you go
every second of the day my love for you grow
How could this happen, iv’e only spoke to you twice
your blond hair and charming smile, do not make me wise
The way you sing opera, the way you stare at me
in the lockers we stand makes me almost drop my key
I love that you only have 6 shirts, that makes you, you
i love how you pronounce words, if you only knew

Why can’t you see that i’m the girl for you
i’m waiting for you to say ’’ Alma, I love you too’’

The way you hug other girls makes me jealous and sad
when you sit with your phone makes me upset and mad
Then when you walk into a palm being clumsy and cute
makes me realize i do not only like you when you wear a suit
I still remember when you smiled and waved at me
made me understand how perfect we could be

You make my heart more red and my sky more blue
i’m waiting for you to say ’’ Alma, i’m the guy for you'
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