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Dikter i delar

Skrev dem i höstas och vid jul... mest vid jul

Broken Mirror
as the piecesof a broken mirror..
falls to the ground, My dreams fall...
As rain dropps the blood from my arm.

And also my tears dripps, Dripps worth than rain, More like rivers they flow.
As the Razorbalde dance over my arm, The shadows surround me..

Whan there's no more place to dance on, we'll dance all over again...

Is the music
Of a dancing

2. Lonelyness

Such lonelyness, and for what?
Suck sorrow, why?

A life time of tears and blood, And because of Whom?

A dance of blood
A Great fire

You made me lonely
You made me cry...
You buried me in a grave of pain!

You gave me a knife, "For Hunting" You sad...
But hunt what?

You made it dance, again and again...
You concealed my wounds
Because it Reflect you're face!!


Wish of a dream

My heart might be crush'd in to Thousands of pieces,
But no one can crush my dreams .

My soul might Not even exist, But it dosen't matter!
'Cause the hope Lives, and that's one om my few guiding stars

Dream Of Happyness
Hope Of Better times

This is the time
Time of closing you're eyes
and wish of better times,
And for the dreams to become truth...

I Thaugt That hope was The largest star of them all
And dreams Where some thing that no one could touch...

That only shows how stupid i was as a kidd!

Forna kännslor, inte mycket finns kvar men alltid bra att kunna läsa och försöka förstå hur man orkade då...
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Cilises - 13 jul 06 - 05:54
dom meningarna Sandra skrev var helt obeskrivliga....du är as duktig!
limk - 8 jul 06 - 09:25
bra jue ^^
Sandra91 - 8 jul 06 - 09:23
"My heart might be crush'd in to Thousands of pieces,
But no one can crush my dreams .

My soul might Not even exist, But it dosen't matter!
'Cause the hope Lives, and that's one om my few guiding stars "

Älskade dom meningarna extremt mkt..

Skriven av
8 jul 06 - 09:14
(Har blivit läst 93 ggr.)
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