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Du dog för alla, men inte för mig

Start loving you this day, when the night came i want you to stay.

You kiss me throw all nights, no arguing no fights
With you I grown stronger, I thought we gonna stay together much longer.
You stopped your business, you stopped your crime, lots of me, but no dime.
Days becomes years, we grown together and i left all my fears.
I saw the future, it was you and me, house, child, movies, croissants and tea.

My dream didn`t even have the time to start,
before reality came and crow it apart.
One day you been very sick, some few weeks together then leave me quick.
You take me up, then break me down, that hurt me bad, I moved from town.
In months I stay in my bed, hugging your tshirt, can`t think you ahead.
Night passed awake, crying and no sleep, my sorrow for you was to deep.
Together we were the strongest team,
but nowadays the only time I meet you is in the dream

You promise to never hurt me, you do more,
Please, wake me up, come knock at my door!
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