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The Storm - a love affair (8)

Här kommer ett längre avsnitt. Om ni saknar alla apostrofer vet jag om det.. .-)
Verkar som om dikta har problem med apostrofer.... Vilket inte hade varit ett problem om man inte är så klantig att man försöker skriva på engelska.

Nåja, lite julstämning och söndag kommer här....

Even in the ice cold winter Susanne was out for a walk. It was early December morning and it was Saturday. The air was chilled and the frost made the trees look like a fairytale. The week had been good, the work smooth and she had been out with Benita two of the evenings. Last day she had been babysitting for Anna.
The twins where lovely, but even if she had helped Anna before she still didnt get it. Susanne was completely exhausted after two hours. When Anna and her husband came back from the dinner she couldnt have had another minute. She had done nothing else than feeding, changing diapers and trying to get them to sleep. Well, she had phoned Anna once too, assuring that everything was fine and that she wouldnt be worrying. As if Anna was dumb enough to believe in that.
They needed the time off, and Susanne really liked being around the girls. She thought if she were there often enough they would become familiar with her and she might learn how to put them to sleep without crying. It seemed like a good alternative to getting a baby of ones own. If anything she had learned that it took far much more energy than one could ever imagine. Still, didnt they just smell wonderful? It was something about babies that soften even the most hardened hearts.
Susanne sat down on a big stone at the beach. She looked at the sea, fuming with its endless energy. With a heavy sigh she dropped the thoughts of the twins. Here she felt harmony. This was her place in the big scene of nature. Her nose was getting cold. She took up her thermos and poured herself a morning cup of coffee. Nothing could compare to moments like this. The Italian biscuit made it perfect. She loved this time a year, not a single soul nearby, just her and the sea.
After a fast walk back to the bunkhouse she opened up her newly bought book. Susanne read a lot. Living this way and not having a family gave her plenty of time. Honestly she had too much time. She had been thinking of advancing at work, but she really didnt fancy. She enjoyed the way it was now far too much. She was good at what she was doing and she knew it. She liked the comfort of it. Plus, she had never been putting her job in first room. There were far too many other things to do, which reminded Susanne of her yoga class after lunch, and the cup of coffee she promised Benita. Then she would have a nice evening, just she, the pickup pizza and her favorite book.

“Any news about Phillip?” Susanne asked as soon as they had sat down with two espressos.
“No, he sends some messages, but nothing else. He is on a business trip over the weekend”, Bentia said with a grimace. She had put to her mind to take it slowly with Phillip, but the longing was tearing her apart.
“Yeah, working as salesmen he travels a lot”, Susanne added. Silently she thought he had a lady at each stop, but she didnt know for sure. Perhaps he didnt mix pleasure with business? His moral was not logical. No need to inform Benita about that, she knew he was a ladies man, Susanne had told her that much.
“How are things going with your volunteer job? Set any start date for the building?”
“No, I know Jesper wants to start sometime during early spring. Everything is set for the building start. We just have to wait for the weather. Jesper wants to start as soon as the earth is free from frost and the guys are ready with their other work. I have been talking with my neighbors in the other bunkhouses. I am pretty sure of about twenty of the thirty renters. But then I need to talk to the donator and we probably have to wait with the last ten. I am thinking of having a queue and see who of them that qualifies.”
“Sounds like you have made a lot of work”, Benita said, sounded impressed. Susanne smiled. She had loved the work, being a very social person and being for a good case and all. Still, it felt good to hear.
“Well, I have, but I normally cook dinner at our common space. I knew a few of them, so I have had an advantage. I would have liked so much to set this arrangement before Christmas. It would have been the best Christmas gift ever. But I have not dared to tell any of them anything. Couldnt do before I talk to the donator.”
”They dont know?” Benita asked surprised.
“Nope, I would hate to give them hope and ripe it away. They dont know why I have been asking. The project is not official yet.”
“Why dont you talk with the donator then? I am sure he will like the idea. You have made the background check of the intended renters I suppose?”
“Well, we administrate a lot of the insurance questions and the debts issues… Yes, I know which of them that have a hard time with the bank. Jesper have been avoiding the question though. I have reminded him several times, but he seems to forget it.”
“You think he hides something?” Benita asked. She saw the worry in her friends face.
“I hope not. I am afraid the donator has got cold feet, but maybe I make things out to be worse than they are”, Susanne said and shrugged.
“You talk to him Susanne. It would be the best Christmas gift ever”, Benita assured her with a smile.

When the evening came Jesper was tired. He had been working late, although it was Saturday. Being at the building sites during ordinary work hours and making all the administrative work and the plans for his project at the nights and weekends.
Lately he had been working that much that even his parents had become worried. He smiled to that, his mother and father have always prioritized work, and he guessed coming from them meant it was bad. Well, it was temporary and he badly wanted his master degree in architecture. When he was finished he would leave the building work to his folks and the administrative tasks to Alex. Alex was a good boss. Jesper had seen that with the two new guys. When he stepped back and concentrated at the planning phase and drawing of new projects he would increase Alex remit and salary. The man deserved it.
Actually, he intended to talk to Alex already at Monday. Why wait and risk him changing workplace?
Jesper was holding a pizza carton in on hand, looking at the bunkhouse areas common place, but deciding to do as usual and go back to his own. He wanted company, but he didnt know anyone here. When he passed Susannes bunkhouse he saw the lights where on. Of course he was not supposed to know which of the bunk houses that was hers. Still, he always looked when he passed by. He would have thought she was out partying, but obviously she was at home. Before changing his mind he knocked on the door. They had gotten to know each other better, but Jesper had deliberately taken it slowly. Not that he didnt enjoy playing with her, but he hadnt put in his whole arsenal yet. He had always gone for winning and Susanne was holding back at something.

“Hey. I saw the light was on. Are you occupied?”
“No, I was reading and eating pizza”, Susanne said and looked at Jespers pizza carton. “Seems like a popular way to pass a Saturday night. Care to come inside?”
Jesper went in. Susanne had some cozy dark brown velour trousers and a matching hoody. It was nothing fancy and still Jesper couldnt help looking at the smooth curves of her hip. She looked as if she was about to cuddle in the bed. He would have loved that. A complete other kind of hunger started to stir within him.
“Wants to taste some of mine?” Jesper offered and hold out his pizza cartoon, when in fact, what he had wanted to ask was if she wanted to take a taste of him. He smiled at her and tried not to drool, but couldnt help following the pizza slice way to her mouth.
“Mine are kind of cold, but feel free to taste some”, Susanne offered.
Jesper did, his mind still on another track, visioning him taking a taste of her instead. He had to straighten himself up. He had come here to have company, not to harass her.
During the last months Jesper had come to appreciate her, she was so much more than burn hot sexy. She was efficient at her work, but she was also warm-hearted and had a talent of enjoying the moment. When he drifted away too far in the future plans, she stopped him and got him back on the issues of today.
“So, what have you done today?” Susanne asked politely. She liked the company. Lately Jesper had not made passes at her. She supposed she would be relieved by that. Still, a part of her missed him trying. She never thought she should, but she actually could spend time with him now without thinking of what happened all this years ago. Susanne couldnt say that she had forgiven him, nor that she ever would, but since she broke up with Phillip the thought of starting something with Jesper had crossed her mind too many times. Not that she would start anything with Jesper. She had been down that road once and it had left some big scars. She had to keep that in mind, she reminded herself.
“Ive been working the whole day”, Jesper said with a tired voice.
“You have been working? You must be kidding?” Susanne could not help herself.
“That is a way of putting it”, Jesper said and laughed. She was as usual very honest. And of course she was right. It was insane to work this much. Even for him, that was used to much work, the last year had been too much.
“Why? If I may ask?”
“Well, I love to start this project soon and then I have to help my men with finishing the ongoing work. That leaves to steer the company and planning on the spare time.”
“Ok, but still. Does it hurt if you get some months delay? The people this project intend to help will most probably be living this way for many years if it wasnt for the donator. Or does he push you hard?”
Jesper was silent for a while. He felt a little bad for not telling Susanne the truth about the donator. When it came to his work situation, if he would be honest, he had not much else to do. Jesper couldnt say that he needed the money any longer, nor that he had to show his father. He supposed he just liked it this way. And it helped him not to be too frustrated about Susanne. He wanted her in his bed badly.
“Well, it is not exactly that much waiting at home when you live in a bunkhouse, so why not work?” he finally managed to say. In his mind he saw her naked in his bed. He would have been coming home at any fucking hour if she had been there, taking that velour trouser of her, feeling her moisture. The train of thoughts took him there and his eyes got stuck on her lips.
“I dont work anymore than my eight hours, I obviously get my time to pass by. Why dont you visit your parents?” Susanne asked. That put Jesper on track again.
“You are right. I probably work too much”, Jesper reluctantly agreed. “But I will visit my parents next week. My brother and his wife are coming home to the weekend.” Silently he wished for Susanne to help him calm down the stress. He knew the exact way to do it. It always worked.
“That doesnt prevent you from going there tomorrow?”
“Well, you are right, but I prefer not”, Jesper said with a firm voice. Susanne meant well, but he didnt want to discuss his relationship with his father with her.

Susanne realized it was a touchy subject. She saw the wrinkle at Jespers eye, it was a good indication that he didnt want to go any further with this subject. She liked that wrinkle, she thought it being sexy. Somehow it made him less perfect. Jesper was too much a man, too much of everything really. His company was successful, he looked awesome and he was nice. She would have liked to blame him for what had happened all this years ago, but she knew he had no clue. And she started to think that if he had known, he would have done the right thing. He was too perfect for anything else.
“What are you doing tomorrow then?” Jesper asked.
“Nothing”, Susanne said and she saw the amusement in his eyes.
“You are giving me a hard lecture and then you will do nothing?” he asked skeptically.
“Well, I happen to like to do nothing”, she answered defensibly.
“Then I take you to the cinema”, Jesper decided.
“No thanks.”
“Well, why not?”
“I dont need a handy man”, Susanne said frankly. She saw the spark of anger in Jespers eyes. He bent closer, his eyes just inches away from hers. But it was the closeness of his mouth that disturbed her the most. Not the anger that was pouring out from him. Susanne felt the inner turmoil, heated feelings flowing through her veins. She might be able to fool him but her body didnt listen. She did need a handy man and that badly.
“I am not asking you for a date Susanne. I ask you as a friend. I am not expecting anything.” Jesper voice was firm, he worked hard to pull back the anger and craving hunger he felt. Her face so close, her lips so kissable. He did want her more than anything and in that moment he decided he would have her at any cost. Not now, and probably not in the near future, but he needed her. He just had to come through that shell of hers, somehow.
He had never felt this raw need for anyone before. Jesper saw her big eyes, the softening of her sharp smile as she inhaled. She might try to cover her bodys respond with a cold voice, but he wasnt fooled. He was sure she needed him too. He would convince her of that, and he had the perfect plan in mind.
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gillardig7 - 6 jan 13 - 16:04- Betyg:
Ehfjehjfhejhfjehjfhjerhjfhjvnrbv sååååååååå äckligt underbart bra!!! XD
Jag blev så glad när jag såg att du lagt upp ännu en del.
Läste om det typ 3 gånger, nu. Älskar hur Jesper är mot Susanne &
hur hon faktiskt står för sig. Och inte är sådär "lätt" som många tjejer
blir i noveller. I alla fall. Så vet du att jag älskar det här.
Novellen. Ditt sätt att skriva. Längtar till novellen så fort jag läst den senaste delen.

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6 jan 13 - 15:18
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