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The Storm. A Love Affair -2

Susanne still had the meeting with Jesper in her mind when she walked home. Not that it was much of a home. She had been living in one of the bunkhouses for the last year and she was getting really annoyed at it. This donator was a real hero, unfortunately for her she was not broken enough to get an apartment that way.
The room she was sitting in was really dull. Of course her old renter had not yet started to rebuild the house. And frankly she was beginning to believe he never would. The man was getting old, at least she assumed so since his hair had turned all white since the storm. It wasn´t like he had been any youngster before the storm either, but he liked to work and he saw her and her neighbors as one big family of his.
Susanne assumed he would just take the insurance money and retire. What she couldn´t get was why he hadn´t told neither her nor her neighbors. It was not easy finding anything to rent in the town these days.
“You must know every man in that town by now. Let’s face it darling, if you haven’t met Mr. Right yet he will not be living in that town.”
Her mother’s voice interrupted Susanne´s thoughts. The irritation swept through her and she looked at the telephone in dismay. No, they were about to have “That Conversation” again, her mother just all too subtle complaining about the fact that neither of her children was giving her any grandchildren. While Susanne was the younger of the two sisters she usually did not get offended, but this time it hit her. How could her sister stand listening to this rubbish?
“Mother, please, it isn’t that small and whom on earth had said something about a meeting with Mr. Right? I personally prefer Mr. Wrong in almost all occasions”, she muttered. Her mother was obsessed with the Mr. Right and had been in all her adult life. That leaving a lot of different men to wander in her and her half-sister Lizzys lives. Lizzys father had a short reunion with her mother when Susanne’s father left the country. Secretly Susanne envied Lizzy, she at least knew her father. She had no memories at all of her own.
Her mother did not take much notice on her daughter’s references to Mr. Wrong. She was already reading loudly in the phone. Apparently she found the job advertisement sides being of special interest. Susanne didn´t care to listen. Instead she started to paint her nails in a dark brown color. She actually was not sure why she hadn´t moved. It was not like she was particularly fond of living in a bunkhouse. But she liked her job, the colleagues were nice and she had made some really good friends in the town. Like Benita who had the little beauty shop in the corner. Or Anna, who had the worst time in her life trying to figure out how to be a mother, of not just one, but two adorable infant girls.
And then there were the sea. She loved it. Could be sitting for hours, finding that calmness and harmony that nothing else seemed to be able to give her. She had made several early morning walks, collecting stones and putting her bare feet in icy, cold water.
Her complete collection of stones had disappeared in the storm. The tornado hadn´t left much of neither the house nor her beloved stones. She pitied the stones the most. They were memories from all of her years here. From the early morning walks before going to work to the lovely evenings with Benita and Anna. They had been barbequing in the hot summer nights and gossiping. Of course, Anna had not had much time for that lately. Actually this summer it had just been her and Benita. And now the autumn was here, arriving far too soon.
“The job is perfect for you and there is an apartment to hire just two blocks away. Please at least look at it Susanne”, her mother’s voice interrupted her train of thoughts again. Susanne silently shook her head and hang up. She loved her mother but she had this thing of nagging.

When Jesper was arriving to Phillips dinner party, Sara and Georg was already there. He had almost canceled the evening, the workload was really huge and he felt more for sleeping than partying. But then he thought better not, he had the best friends, but he hadn’t seen them in ages. They were all friends since school and had known each other more or less all their life. Living in the same street and doing the same old boyish prank. Sara actually being the worst of them, she always drew them into trouble. But unlike Jesper she had actually finished her degree in architecture. He had to give her that. Jesper had still the last year left. The storm had put an end to his studies. Or rather his willingness to earn money on the catastrophe had heavily delayed them.
Today it seemed like Sara had two girlfriends of hers joining. The red haired lady in front of him presented herself as Ida. Jesper knew he had met her at some other occasion. She was pleasant curvy and had a voice which Jesper liked, but it was the other girl that caught Jesper´s attention. He looked over Ida´s shoulder into the kitchen, where Phillip was having a conversation with the girl in mind, she was really hot. Jesper smiled predatory. This seemed to be his lucky night.
The girl was rather short, slender and had a fabulous black dress that showed the most of a very attractive back. Her dark blond hair was drawn together in a careless knot which looked really good. Jesper couldn´t get rid of the thought that he had seen her before. It was something about her, and whatever it was it turned him on hard.
He walked towards the kitchen to get an introduction. But his luck was already turning. Jesper had no chance with the lady in black. As Jesper was walking to catch his prey, Phillip was pulling the women close to him and giving her a deep kiss. Jesper smiled at that, although it was a pity that Phillip had chosen her. Phillip hadn´t mentioned anything about a girlfriend and he had to tease him about this one later. He was the one you heard all the tales about, but you never actually saw any of the girls he charmed. Jesper had a really good comment coming when the girl turned around and he became freezing still in the middle of one step. It was Susanne. And she was looking really hot.
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gillardig7 - 3 dec 12 - 18:38- Betyg:
Älskar denna novellen. Den är så detaljerad, så bra och spännande.
Blir verkligen nyfiken på nästa del och på hur det utvecklar
sig senare för Jesper och Susanne. Hoppas det blir nåt där!
Lite jobbigt nu när hon är med hans kompis, men men.
Hör gärna av dig på nästa del! :D

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2 dec 12 - 21:46
(Har blivit läst 86 ggr.)
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