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The Storm. A Love Affair -1

This is a story about a girl who really does not need a man- at all. And then there is Jesper. He looks just gorgeous, owns his very own company and are living his life in a too fast pace. He has literary, no time at all.
But somewhere between new jobs, finishing his study at the university and the anonymous effort for the community he meets Susanne. He sets his mind on having her. There is just one slight problem. She does not do relationships and he seems to have forgotten that he had already had her.

The storm had long gone. Only the disaster left showed in the village, but with all the new paint, even the city started to look happy again. Jesper had done his best, restoring the homes and buildings of the ones most affected by the tragedy. His construction company was doing very well, he thought ironically. Jesper knew that far from everyone were lucky enough to get help. Quite some people still lived in the temporary bunkhouses, him being one of them. Not that he couldn´t afford building up his home again, but why bother when he worked all his waking hours?
His fingers went through the thick blond hair and he sighed. The workload would be huge, but it was worth it. Sometimes enough was just not enough. This was such a time, if only that girl came soon. He really had other things to attend he thought grimly.
“Mr Andersson?” a sweet, calmed voice asked. Nothing in her voice showed she was aware of how late she actually was.
Jesper looked up at the owner of the voice, one brew lifted and his eyes studying the late arriver. Her voice felt familiar and unknown at the same time, as a distant memory from long time ago. The girl, Susanne, was still working for the same company and it had been easy enough to find her.
What he hadn´t expected was that he hardly recognized her. He remembered her as very young and a bit shy. The very attractive lady in front of him was wearing a pink dress and there was nothing about that dress that said shy. Jesper actually had some problems focusing on her face. Susanne gave him a bright confident smile. No, this girl had nothing in common with his distant memory.
“Yes, welcome”, he eventually answered with a polite voice, hiding his surprise with a smile. The irritation of her being late swept off him as he looked at her. She had the same dark blond hair reaching a bit down at her back, and the same fascinating green eyes. The difference was that this time her eyes did not look down in the floor, instead she met his gaze steadily.
And she did not only hold his gaze Jesper realized, her green eyes studied his with curiosity. The sudden flicker in them caught him unguarded. She obviously liked what she saw.
“Susanne”, she said and took his hand in a firm grip, “long time since last.”
Jesper felt the connection with her as soon as her fingertips touched his. Deliberately he held her hand longer than necessary. Astonished that he had not remembered the pull he felt now.
“Jesper”, he said, his voice a bit husk, his eyes studied her just as frankly as she had just been studying him. At the moment he wished he had other plans for her, than to help him with the legal documents off the new company he intended to start up.
“What can I do for you”, she asked smoothly and sat down. He let her sit for a while, suddenly too keen not to sound too wholesome. Which was absurd since he needed her help to set up the deal.
“I´m interested in property management. I got this donation and I am planning for thirty houses close to town, near the beach. It is aiming to give a second chance to the people that were hit the hardest by the storm, at a symbolic rent. I want to know all the reliefs I could get.”
As soon as Jesper started to speak Susanne became a typical business woman. The lawyer in her asked all the right questions. She had ideas about the different possible setups and criteria for the renters, as well as how to get some extra injection of money from the community.
“Who is the donator?” she asked finally and collected her notebook.
“He prefers to be anonym until we have to sign the final documents”, Jesper answered vaguely. He couldn´t believe him saying, but for some reason he didn´t wanted Susanne to find out yet that it was him.
“Have you got any prior notice of building at the land?”
“Yes, and they are positive to the building. Still, we have to fill in the document and get this fast. I want to start to build in the spring, but I think the community is keen on getting the process fast too. There are big problems getting somewhere for people to live, especially rental apartments.”
“Sure. I know”, Susanne added. “I got to have the name of the donator though. Perhaps you could arrange for a meeting all three of us?”
“That is probably a good idea. Care for some lunch?” he asked.
Susanne did and as soon as they had stopped talking work she laid does green eyes on him again. He felt the précis moment when she let go of the jurist and became a women. She smiled softly and let go of the tension that had built up in her shoulders. Slowly she tilted her head at first one side, then the other and sighed.
“Care for a walk? I know a lovely café just a couple of blocks from here. It´s vegetarian by the way”, Susanne smiled and lifted her eyebrow. She probably thought a carpenter was the kind of a guy that needed a big steak. Jesper didn´t want her to know exactly how right she was.
“Always try everything at least once”, he said and laid his arms around here. She did stiff a little by his unpredicted closeness, but then she seemed to settle and continued to walk. He knew he was too intrusive, but frankly she had started. He knew she had pictured them in bed when she came in that door. He recognized the thoughts, because they had been mirrors of his.

Susanne had remembered Jesper since eight years ago, and if anything he was looking even more devastating. It would have felt so much better if the years had treated him bad, but of course they hadn’t. Jesper was sex appeal in one hot package. She did not like him. They had one single hot night at the student house, but when she met him half a year later, he didn´t even recognized her. It had taken all her professionalism back then to help him out with the documents, getting his construction company on ground. Jesper had been all politeness. The wound still hurt. Susanne was not a lady to forget. No- one else had ever been rude enough to do.
She had deliberately chosen her pink dress and it seemed to have fulfilled her purpose. This time he had noticed her. He had surprised her by being much more forward than she had expected him to.
She had planned on getting his attention, she silently reminded herself when she leaned into his strong arms. He had ignored her girlish crush on him eight years ago and she deserved an ego boost. He sure did give her one, his hand on her waist gently pressing her hips against his as they were walking. He was so confident. Probably he still didn´t remembered that he had once tasted her lips. And had he been good. Susanne felt the anger as if it was yesterday. This man had caused her so much heartache that she never would have taken the job if he hadn´t insisted on her personally.
“You only eat vegetarian?” Jesper asked and looked at his plate. Everything on it was new for him, more or less.
“Oh, of course”, she said with sweet voice, “it is so gross to eat meat, don’t you think?” Susanne tilted her head and pouted with her mouth. She loved the feeling of him becoming insecure.
“Well, I…”
“Common, I´m joking with you. Do you know how often I get that question? Well, anyhow, I eat fish and chicken once in a while. But honestly I must confess it is mostly when I´m invited to dinner. I prefer to eat just the green stuff”, she smiled at him and Jesper thought she looked lovely. He felt a little stupid at the question though.
Susanne wondered why she babbled. She didn´t have to be nice to him. Actually she intended not to be.
“How come you ended up here by the way? I thought you would have left this town long ago and made career somewhere else?” Jesper asked out of sudden curiosity. The girl he remembered had not seemed to have any career ambitions, but the self-confident women in front of him did.
“Oh, I wished I could say it is because of my dear boyfriend, but I guess I just fell in love with this little town. The nature is fantastic. I love the sea and the woods. And I got some real nice friends here.”
“You got a boyfriend?” Jesper said. He couldn´t stop to blurt out the question. He sure didn’t like the twist of the conversation. His perfect replacement to his ex, Eve, went up in smoke. He did not like when he had miscalculated. He seldom did.
Susanne looked at Jesper. She really had messed this one up. She had wanted some payback for good old times, and well, she got it. Unfortunately she still felt the almost electrical charge down the spin of her back when she looked at Jesper. This was a question she rather not answered, but on the other hand, why not? She was not ashamed of herself, especially not in front of him.
“Oh, I don´t really know what I would call our relationship. We are, well, he is kind of handy sometimes”, she said and her tongue wetted her lips in a little nervous gesture. She saw his gaze following her movement and she silently gave herself a high five.
“Handy?” Jesper asked and Susanne saw the sexual humor in his eyes. He might have been surprised at first, but he had understood only far too well what kind of relationship she had with her so called boyfriend. She usually didn´t mention him, but since her boyfriend had started to become more sincere and had wanted them to date officially during the last month she felt she had to. Regardless what her mother thought of her, she actually had a boyfriend.
Susanne caught her thoughts when she felt Jesper laying his hand high up at her leg. She swallowed hard. She sure had got his attention.
“Do you think you could need another handy man, I happen to be in the business”, Jesper said with a low harsh voice, letting his hand stroking her leg. She would be a perfect mistress.
“Well, as it happens to be I´ve never been a fan of sharing”, Susanne said with a voice that was far more controlled than she felt. But although the coldness in her manner her dark eyes and the obvious goose pimples on her arms gave her away. She did hate Jespers smug expression.
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gillardig7 - 1 dec 12 - 11:24- Betyg:
Det där var så fantastiskt bra!!
Gillar redan karaktärerna och längtar verkligen till nästa del.
Hur bra som helst, inte läst något så här på länge. Dessutom så skriver du så
detaljerad och fint, och det känns nästan som om man är där.

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30 nov 12 - 22:13
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