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We are just

En liten text som kom till mig mycket nyligen. Nyligen som enbart är för några minuter sedan, knappt tjugo. Hoppas att den i alla fall faller någon i smaken.


There should be fire burning to keep us all from freezing. For there is no one out there who is warm for everything has turned out so very cold. And I myself am so very cold. Shivering I am for my bones are starting to feel the cold seep in.
And they stand around us who freezes. Those from another world, those from far away who are warm stand around us, those of us from this world. They stand and poke fun at us who no longer knows how warmth feels. And it saddens me and us for it is never fun to be poked fun at. I cannot understand why they do such things as poking fun for it hurts us who are poked at.
But I wish to believe that warmth will come to my bones again and to us. I wish to freeze no longer and no longer be poked fun at. But you cannot live on wishes for wishes is just that. They are not a promise of what is to come they simply are there to fill a void within ourselves. But nevertheless they are important as without them that little void would be empty from everything there is. And no one wish for emptiness at least not me. I want to be filled but not by wishes or cold. I want to be filled with promises of something better to come and from warmth.
But as they laugh and as they poke fun the air grow colder and colder by the passing second. And try to run away from them for we want to get away from the evil beings that are not from this world. They are evil for they themselves as betters. They think that they are better than we are and I do not agree. For are all the same as stand here. But our minds are not dirty as theirs. We are compassionate and they are not. We feel the cold and they do not. For the cold is not from low temperature. The cold is from hurtful things spurt at us. And that is what makes us different. They become warm by insulting others and we become cold by the insults they throw at us.
But we will be victorious just because we are just.
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