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Tokyo Girls [del 69]

Kap 69 – Our Adventures

”Stop saying stupid crap” Miharu complained.
Ichigo was lost in thoughts as Gary and Miharu continued to argue. What should I do? What can I do? What does he want? I don’t even know what he likes…she thought in dismay. Punky was very mysterious indeed but she was disappointed in herself for not knowing enough about him.
“You said that Punky doesn’t like to be celebrated, right?” Ichigo asked.
Gary turned to her, “Yeah. So just plan something with the two of you only” he winked.
Miharu hit him on the shoulder, “Nobody likes to be alone during their birthday! I’ve got an idea. Let’s celebrate together and later on you little two love birds can go somewhere else”
Gary gave her an odd look as a reply. But Ichigo had nothing against that. It might be nice to have a little party with everyone. “But where?” she asked.
“Wait let me think…” Miharu mumbled. Suddenly she stood up to check the calendar on her fridge. She was fumbling through the dates, “What date did you say it was again Gary?”
“On the 10th”
Miharu continued to skim through and suddenly burst out in laughter, “Perfect!! My dad was supposed to leave with his colleagues on the 9th to the 15th! I’ll ask if we could have the hotel all to ourselves!” she explained, her eyes literally glittering.
Gary’s eyebrows rose, “That would actually be fun”
Miharu turned to Ichigo, “Let’s plan now my little cutie. Feels like I’m planning for your wedding.”
Ichigo smiled, “Perfect. I couldn’t do this all on my own” she said, feeling lighthearted.
Don’t worry, just give him some of your love, Gary’s words echoed in her mind. She felt stiff, why would she think of that all of a sudden? And why was she blushing? She turned hot all of a sudden thinking about his touch and his lips. Not this again!! She screamed in her head.
Gary stood up, averting her attention elsewhere, “It’s late. I’ll leave you guys to the planning” he said and gave a light kiss on Miharu’s cheek and left.

Was this a dream? It had to be. They say reality is harsh but what Kokoro felt right now was too sweet, so it had to be a dream. Kokoro threw away her pride to show her true self to Kou. She was waiting to her words such as “monster” or “disgusting” but that never came out of his mouth.
Is this the calm before the storm?
When Kokoro was a little girl, she had befriended someone around the same age as her. Both of them became closer. So close, they called each other sisters. That was when Kokoro decided to show her the magic. Once she showed her that she could turn a flower into a little four-leafed clover, the little girl ripped the clover apart and cried “monster” at her. Kokoro was so heartbroken, wondering what she had done wrong until her brother told her never to expose herself again. He said that it would only break her heart, which was true. So he altered the girl’s memories, made her forget she ever knew Kokoro at all. But not telling broke her heart too, this time she gambled all her feelings and all her humiliation.
She dare not show anything more to Kou, she was afraid that it might be too much for him. Until he said, “I want to see more”
“Aren’t you a least bit disgusted?”
A flash of anger showed in his eyes and she regretted saying that. “No I’m not” he managed to say through all the anger.
She bit her lip and did as she was bid. She thought of the lost city underneath the water and summoned that image. Once that was up, she shifted herself closer to Kou and took hold of his wrist, so she could make her heart beat in time with his. She could see Kou wanting to protest but somehow he kept silent. Once they were in tune with each other, she fixed bubbles around them and the bed and summoned both of them to the lost city. Kou exclaimed as he sat up, quickly she sat up to, so her hand wouldn’t remove from his wrists. “I can’t let go. This is part of the spell” she explained as he looked down at their hands.
He gave her a brief look and nodded. He turned to look around the ominous and flourished city. With her left hand, she was waving for the bubble to move forward – plunging deeper into the city. They went past all the sunken and broken ships to what looked like a castle. They entered the long hallway with each towers beholding vacant carvings from the ancient times. Even Kokoro was amazed by this sight, she had always wanted to see it but dared not to go alone. The ocean level this deep swarmed of ugly and disfigured fishes, dirty water and seaweed. It was eerie as both of them were going deeper and deeper into the castle. The presence of history was overwhelming; it felt like ghosts lurked around the corners of this place, as if to continue with their daily lives. Kokoro even felt Kou shivering.
There was a broken tower in front of them with a slender piece of stone, which lost its color, in front of them – blocking their way. Kokoro complained “Oh man! Where do we go!?”
“Over there!” Kou pointed towards a narrow space between the stone and fallen tower. Kokoro then continued to go past it. She tried her best for the bubble not to burst as the wall and the tower were pretty close to the bubble.
Sensing her stress, Kou asked, “What happens if this bursts?”
“We’d probably get really wet once we’re back” she replied as they managed to get past!
Kou’s eyes widened, “What! Why didn’t you tell me earlier!?” he said in disbelief.
“Eheh” she tried to give him her best smile.
They made a circuit around the end of the hallway until they found what seemed to look like the dining hall. Half of the room was broken and the other half was rusted, it was also hard to see until Kokoro made some small glim-fires inside their bubble and suddenly their little spot shone.
The remnants had either decayed or faded away completely. As uncanny as this place was, Kokoro could believe it was once beautiful. She could picture a grand banquet with royals dancing with each other with the singers and jokers beside them. And the food! It must have been wonderful! Suddenly she felt this sadness crash over her; she could also imagine the shock of the great wave coming in on them and ruining this beautiful and extraordinary city.
Suddenly on the ground to where the light extended, a shadow flashed past. Kokoro’s flesh prickled and she turned around to see what was there. Her heartbeat increased, “D-did you see that?” she asked Kou.
Kou nodded, “Must be some fish or something” he said calmly.
I’m not so sure of it, did she want to say but remained silent. Suddenly a strong wave ushered past them and suddenly everything turned black. “WHAT WAS THAT?!” Kokoro screamed as she tried to strengthen the bubble for it not to burst.
“How the hell would I know!” Kou retorted, his heartbeat increasing. Suddenly a small round light shone and Kou sighed, “Thanks for putting that on”
Kokoro turned cold all over. “That is not me Kou” she said.
Both of them looked at each other and then the vibration coming from behind. The monster-fish had a huge antenna with the light bulb in front. Its eyes stuck out with no pupils!! And the mouth and the teeth weren’t far from Kou and Kokoro. It was wide open and suddenly both of them were screaming.
The fish lunged forward and Kokoro drew a short breath, trying to move the bubble away from its vicious and deadly fangs. They bumped into a stone and to their bewilderment bounced back into the side of the fish, both screaming again. “GET US BACK KOKORO!!” Kou shouted as his voice was grim.
“It’s kinda difficult when I’m trying to get away from that thing!” she shot back, flustered.
“SCREW IT! Just get us back!”
The fish dashed against them for a second try and they were practically inside its mouth. Kokoro disconnected herself from Kou’s heartbeat and quickly thought of the picture of her room, once that came up she willed for herself and Kou to get back.
Suddenly they were staring back up at her ceiling.
Sweat was running down her throat as she looked around her familiar room. Kou gave her a weary look and smiled, “That was right on time” he said.
Kokoro let out an air of relief. “That was one hell of an adventure”
They looked at each other and ended up laughing, both unaware of how close they were actually lying together, unaware that their hands were entwined with each other.
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