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May I Have This Dance? del 1

Detta är inte precis en ny berättelse jag påbörjat utan jag jobbade på den för flera år sen tills jag inte längre hade tid och tog ner den. Jag bestämde mig för att göra en ny berättelse i samma stil och mycket som den förra. Den förra skrevs på svenska medan den hära skriver jag på engelska. Första delen är Mammans pov, vilket inte fanns i den andra. Enjoy!

Chapter one: Mother

“Sweety, please could you not stare at me with those eyes of worry?” her mother Christi had a calm and collected voice as she spoke with her daughter. Trying to sound as strong as possible and not making her worry more then she already had.
“Mom, it’s going to be okay, I got a job! Now you don’t have to worry about money and just rest here and focus on getting better.” She could see how happy and relieved her daughter sounded by the fact she finally got a job but seeing her these past days how stressed and how much thinner she gotten ever since she collapsed, she couldn’t help but feel guilty. No mother should ever make her beloved child worry over them or making them provide for themselves. A child should never have a job to support themselves at 15.

Pushing herself up in a sitting position in the uncomfortable hospital bed with every bone in her body protesting she held all the pain in. That is all she could do for her daughter at this point.
“Mom, please lay down! You’re sick you shouldn’t be up!” Christi could feel the pain on her shoulders when her daughter’s hands touched them trying to fight her decision about sitting.
“Nonsense honey, I feel fine just a little tired, that’s all. What about this job of yours, is it any good?” Taking her hands down from her shoulder into her lap she faced her daughter with an expression showing only happiness and her undying love for her.
“Yep! It’s a job where I get to try out lots of different things. The money is different from time to time but it pays off a lot more than being a waiter and such.” It sounded strained and Christi this time couldn’t help but frown and hide her worry and uncertainty from her daughter.
“It’s not dangerous is it? What about your dream Isobel?” Christi felt that the job wasn’t so good she wanted to believe and giving up her dream is not a pleasant experience. She would know in her teens she was a great dancer but the moment she fell for the wrong man and was deceived all her dreams shattered. She couldn’t let that happen to her daughter.
“I said don’t worry mom I got it covered and that dream ended long ago, it was just a childhood dream, like the time I decided I wanted to become a cat, it was totally unrealistic and sleeping on shelves is not so comfy as it looks when animals does it, yknow?” Isobel made it sound more as a question but none the less both off them started thinking about the things little Isobel did as a child, cracking smiles and laughter.
“I still remember how stubborn you were as a child, nothing could convince you once you decided on something and you always were such a brave child. Like those times you decided to become a superhero and went out to save people. You always came home with abandoned animals and all beat up like you were fighting gangs.”

Christi smiled at the memories she had with her daughter they were all good ones and she have been her sun ever since she was born. In the beginning she thought of the baby as a curse but it made her life full of happiness. A mother always wants the best for their child and would give them anything they wanted if possible. Sadly she couldn’t give Isobel what she deserved but her love for her would never lose to anyone. Isobel’s dream is something she has always wished that she could help with. Now she is sitting here bringing her down again.

Giving her daughter a loving smile they talk without words and Isobel helps her mother to lie down to rest. She wanted this moment to last forever, only herself and her daughter thinking of good times. She was so tired of this, making her daughter worry, never getting any better. Their saved up money going to her hospital bills instead of her collage, what mother could live with that? Her mind made up and visiting hours ending Christi lifts her shaking arms and pulling Isobel into a familiar hug they so many times before have shared now only Christi isn’t as strong before. With a mothers loving voice she whispers to her only child
“I love you Isobel Noir Laymorth, I always have, always will.” They pull away and look at each other for a long moment before Isobel suddenly gets annoyed at her tone and answers
“what do you mean? Stop talking like you’re going to disappear any moment, you only need to be here a little longer and then we can go home together.” Christi simply replies cheerfully
“Sweetheart don’t look so alarmed, it’s a mothers duty to always remind their children how much they love them, because no matter how much we say it or show it, it is simply never enough. Now go home, you look like you need a rest more than I do”. It was true Isobel did look exhausted and if she fell asleep it looked like she never wake up.
“I am fine, now mom sleep or you’ll worry me, I’ll come again tomorrow, first thing you’ll see when you wake up!” Isobel stood from her chair and gave her mother a kiss on the cheek.
“Sing a little for me, just a little before I leave?” Isobel begged with her puppy dog eyes Christi rolled her eyes at her child, did she really think puppy eyes would work on her? But no matter how much she herself denied it, she would never say no to those.
“Okay, just a bit then.” Then she started her singing “Hush now, my baby, be still love, don’t cry. Sleep like you’re rocked by the steam, sleep and remember my lullaby and I’ll be with you when you dream…” Her voice was light and beautiful if more noise would have been there her voice wouldn’t be heard. Isobel have always admired her mother’s strength and always found comfort in her singing. Hugging her daughter on last time before Isobel started walking out
“Bye mom, see you tomorrow! Love you!” waving at her smiling
“Love you too, stay strong and don’t talk to strangers!” Isobel faked hurt “Even those with candy?” Christi made her face look extra stern
“Especially those who offers you candy!” Isobel started to laugh and Christi smiled her genuine smile “Mom I’m not a kid anymore I’m 15, you know”.
“I know sweetheart, I’m just worried about you and don’t stand there blocking the door like a guard, get going!” “haha bye mom!”

Seeing her daughter leave she finally sank into her bed, her body aching all over. It had gotten worse over the past few days. Pushing the button for the nurse she waited patiently. How much longer can she hold on? She questioned herself. The nurse came rushing in wondering what was wrong. She simple pushed out the words
“paper, pen” not bothering to talk more than necessary. The nurse got the memo at least and went to fetch some. Moving her hands wasn’t easier but it would do writing down at a speed her hands could muster, the nurse at her request went to get her doctor. Christi kept writing while and when done almost fell asleep waiting for him but was wide awake when the door opened.
“Is it time?” was all he asked but nothing more needed to be said, they have already talked about this a dozen times before.
“Yes” was what she simply replied. “I already knew this day would come when going off the meds. I need you to do something for me” Christi said in a low voice.
“Anything that is within my power I will do, you want me to contact your family?” He asked her while giving her a sympathetic look.
“No, please I need you to deliver a letter and message to my friend.”

Her voice sounded like angels cry and the time the doctor spent with his patient he couldn’t help but feel a little interest in her spirit. She not once cried over the treatments, test or pain and by the time she decided it was time to stop, she simply accepted her fate.
“What message?” Christi looked at her doctor how much she trusted this doctor was beyond her in this short amount of time.
“Tell my friend Rose Rivera, I’m sorry but my time has come, please deliver this letter to my daughter Isobel when she is ready to handle the truth… that is all, you’ll find her on this street.” Chrisi wrote down an address of her friend and gave it to the doctor.
“I will do so, anything else?”
“No, I would like to rest now, thank you all for everything you done for me.”
“Would you like me to stay with you until you…” He looked at her and she looked at him and gave him her biggest smile she could muster
“If it is alright I would like to be alone” They stared at each other for a moment before they said their goodbyes and he left.

His eyes were sad and were already grieving for her. She noted he had brown eyes with a glint of silver in them. Silver eyes she thought, that man had silver eyes with grey in them. Those eyes she so many times before got lost in. closing her eyes seeing the face of that man again, his high cheekbones, ruffy hairstyle, slightly toned and that never ending smile of his. She could never stop loving him, even with all he has done. It was all for them, she would always believe so. She couldn’t believe how alike he and her daughter are. Maybe not in looks but in personality they are exactly alike. Isobel’s dream would be the same as hers at least and with a little will power she will make it happen. She has talent for it. Her eyes where becoming heavier by the second, but she didn’t fight it she let herself into a never ending dream.

(little Isobel 6 year old)

“Mommy, mommy you are a dancer? Isobel looked up at her mother with awe after seeing an old video of her dancing
“No baby, not anymore I have you now don’t I? Greatest gift ever!” She answered her daughter laughing a little
“I want to be a dancer to mommy! Can I? Can I?” Isobel looked up at her while holding on to Mjau her favorit stuffed animal believe it or not but it was a Bunny, took it everywhere she went. Looking her child doing puppy dog eyes at her, with high ponytails that just made it much worse she couldn’t believe how cute she was.
“Of course sweetheart, you can do anything as long as you put your mind into it! Will you let me watch over you and guide you then?” Isobel’s eyes light up and her smile never ending, just like her father.
“I Love You Mommy!”
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