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Övriga dikter

Define life

People hailing for Jay Z
Imma hailing for Hallie
Thats her namece
And her disease is pretty unique
Under the shell of her body, her beaten body
Beats her heart of compassion, faster
Even tho people thinks she has none
But between the shadows and light
Theres a key to be found
Behind this lock, the truth stays divine
It rests under her stoned cold brown eyes
Theres a door to explore,
Neither less neither more
But on the walls theres decor
With info for sure, leading you into the core
With knowledge galore
And theres plenty of texture
But the lyrics doesnt fit in a book
Theres a crook
You cant contain the contents
Even if it was trapped between space and time
Theres only one man who can define
The truth behind the origin of life
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Micheliin - 15 aug 12 - 12:32- Betyg:
av någon anledning, säkert för jay Z i början där,tänkte jag mig den här som en rap-låt.
den var jättebra!

Skriven av
15 aug 12 - 08:44
(Har blivit läst 198 ggr.)
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