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A valuable memory

”Okay, so pair up two and two and stand outside the door.” one of the younger leaders called out. I glanced at Jessica and Elvira; it was clear that they were going to be in one group. And all the others were already paired up so, once again, I’d get to be with Elias. It didn’t bother me. Not at all. Both him and me just stood still, looking around.
“Elias and Sara, you can go first then.”
The leaders for this game were assuming I and him was going to be one group, and well, it was kind of clear since everyone else had already teamed up with someone. Though Elias and I hadn’t exchanged one word about it none of us seemed to mind. Once again, everyone else had made the team for us. The fact made me smile and shake my head, and I looked up at Elias for a short second.
Elias and I stayed where we were while everyone else went outside the room and closed the door. We looked at each other and then at the leaders, waiting for orders.
“Okay, so sit down, yes on the floor, back to back.”
Elias and I laughed and whined but did what they had told us to. When sitting down behind him, with my back against his I couldn’t help but smile. It was a nice feeling, being so close to him. At this camp I had got have more physical contact with him than I had ever had before, thanks to us being one group and actually working together.
“Lock your arms together.” the girl, Anita, told us, smiling. I looked at her with raised eyebrows but we did as told. I could hear Elias smile and laugh about the whole situation behind me, and so was I.
“Okay, so now you’re supposed to get up, without letting each other go with your arms, as fast as you can.” Anita instructed.
“That shouldn’t be too hard.” I mumbled, and immediately began to think through how we could do it. Elias said nothing, but I heard him laugh quietly.
“You ready?” Anita asked.
“Yeah.” both Elias and I said, and got into position.
Elias and I started struggle to get up, but it was harder than I had imagined. We almost got up once, but failed. We laughed, grunted and had no real idea how to manage this. I could give anything right now to see how we looked right then, how he looked. Then I had enough. I used every muscle in my body to get up on my knees, by leaning forward, and with that I sort of lifted Elias up on my back. He screamed of both surprise and laughter. I think that was the only time I really caught him by surprise, and I loved it. Oh dear, how I would like to see that. The look on his face and how he looked in general. When I had gotten up on my knees I let him down on his. He was a head taller than me, so he had to work a little bit himself.
“Get up now, come on!” I cried, and laughed. We struggled a little bit more, grunted and then successfully we got up.
We let go of each other, smiling and breathing heavy.
“14 seconds!” Anita said, smiling. “So this game is called The Wedding Night. It means, everything you said and every noise you made you are going to make on your wedding night.”
Everyone in the room was laughing, and first I stared at Anita, then I laughed and looked kind of scared.
“Alright… But what did we say?!”
Anita explained and we all laughed, and then she told us to sit down and watch the rest of us do the same.
As we sat down next to each other, I couldn’t stop smiling. So many feelings were flowing inside of me right now; genuine happiness, I was exhilarated and every limb of my body was run-down of everything. Elias and I talked and discussed how we did it and how awesome we are and what move I pulled there at the end. We laughed and were very elated both of us. We’re a good team, I thought. It had been proven before the same day, when we had gotten into the same group. We did it well, we worked great together and had really connected that day, bonded. He couldn’t deny it. Neither could I. I looked at him a few time as we watched the others. He was laughing and while he did that, he looked so beautiful. From every angle. His body shook slightly and his whole face showed that he was laughing. He was absolutely gorgeous.

Later on we found out we won that competition. It wasn’t a surprise though, since we watched everyone else either fail or be much worse than us. We won a Marabou Daim chocolate that we shared on our way home. This is one of the most precious memories I share with him. There aren’t that many of them, but the ones I have I value enormously. I always smile when I think of them. It was awesome being at that camp with him for a weekend, and if I could I would like to go back to that camp and relive the whole thing. It was amazing, the highlight of the year. Highlight of my life.
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