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Mr. John and his daughter

Old Mr. John was a hated man. Mr John had an adorable daughter, left by a woman that herself hated him. Her eyes so special - Mr John told her to drive people insane with them.
The people said she was cursed, or so they thought.
She sat beyond reality, played for herself and sang foreign songs. She could not understand what her father asked her to do or what she really did to people, so when she were confused by peoples yelling, she ran into the large rose garden behind their mansion.

One day Mr. John himself was careless and got captured by his daughters gaze. It had all started with him getting a little worried and thought that something may have happened to her, so he had went looking, and eventually, he did find her, hiding in a bush. He did not make it back to the large mansion until late that night.

The people were chocked about Mr. Johns condition, and they all had their sharp and judging eyes at his daughter. Her gaze so frightening.
Mr. John told her to hide in the rose garden. " they will never find you there " He had said.
She did as told and ran to the garden. And she waited, and waited, but Mr. John never came to visit her. All she could do was to wait and play with the roses and maybe sing a tune or two. She waited in days, weeks, months...
If she came to the mansion, people chased her back to the garden, to hide and be forgotten.

Mr. John stopped asking her about his awful tasks. And slowly, she realized.. As she sang the songs he had once taught her, the longer it took, she did not get older.

Mr John was a hated man, most because of what he asked his daughter to do, but the most tense hatred came from an abandoned girl, who sang foreign songs and played in the now rotten rose garden.

The girl who capture you by her eyes,
the one who sings for eternity,
the one who will not get older,
she made Mr. John,
a very hated man.
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