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Captured In the Cave

He woke up, opened his eyes slowly. His whole body was in pain, and he felt moist on his chest. His eyseight was blurry, he could barely see the contours of the rocks on the ground in front of him.
He tried to move, but he discovered that his arms and whole torso was bound with a thick rope. He ways laying on his side, and noticed that his feet weren´t tied up, so he struggled to come up in a sitting position.
Zeke gazed around him, trying to discover something sharp that he could use to cut of the ropes.
He couldn´t see anything, and gave up.

His head started pounding, he must have hit his head or something before it all went black. He must report back to Sheila and Jim before they started looking after him. He couldn´t risk that his friends went into the same trap that caught him.

But, what had happened? What was it that hit him.

"Oh, you´re finally awake! Great, I was afraid that we´d beaten you up to hard."

Zeke froze on the spot. Where did that voice come from? And then he saw him. That guy from before. His skin was very pale, it almost had a bluish tone to it. His hair was almost white, and he was smaller than Zeke.
But the worst part was, that he wasn´t alone. At his side, there was a dark creature, without any solid form. It was a demon.
This was bad, he thought to himself.
I´ve got no chance in beating them both.

The pain in his body got worse. He was bleeding from the chest and tasted blood in his mouth. He must have bitten his tounge or something when he fell.
The pale, teenage boy turned and faced towoards him.

"You are the halfdragons keeper, aren´t you? I´ve gone through a lot of trouble to find your little dragoness, ya know. I had my hopes on that I could catch her, but instead, I got you."

He was talking about Sheila. What did he want with her? Zeke glared at him. He wanted to beat this guy as hard as he could for this.

The boy walked towoards him with a grin on his face. Zeke noticed that he had a tail, whipping in the air behind him.
He felt something grabbing him from every direction. Zeke paniced and tried to break free, but for no use. It was the demon that was holding him.
It held him at place with arms that grew out off it´s floating black mass, and stared at him with it´shiny eyes.

The boy stood by his side and inspected a scull that he held in his hand. It was dripping blood from it, and it almost felt like it was about to move and scream at any moment.
The boys tail forced up his chin so that he had no other choice but to look up towoards him from his sitting position.

"Where is your dragon, boy?" The boy asked with a silky smooth voice.
"I-I don´t know where she is! Our team split and she walked in another direction."
"Was she alone?" The boy turned his head and looked completely homicidal.
"N-no, she´s not."
The demons grip on him tightened, and pressed his ribbs together, making it harder to breathe.
"Damn it....Oh well, at least I´ve got you...........you´ll serve as my bait. You should feel lucky............you´ll be witness to the slaughter of a dragon." The boy grined.

What? NO! No way! He must warn the others, this guy was crazy! Zeke tried to fight himself free, but it was no use, the demons arms was to strong.

"There´s no use, you fool..... Now tell me, do you think that your dragoness will come after me quicker, if I kill you right now?"

The demons grip became stronger. It´s hands was scratching on his wound, and it dug it´s nails into his flesh. The blood started to drip onto the cave´s floor, and his screams echoed through the cave. He couldn´t think clearly, the demons nails penetrated his skin all over his body, and twisted around, making the pain unbearable.
He screamed until he couldn´t get any air.
He coughed up blood now, his lungs hurt, his whole body hurt, nothing else but pain excisted.

The boy whispered to him.
"That´s right, continue to scream. Once she hears you, she´ll be to late, you´ll be dead,
and she´ll loose control over herself. And I..........will finally kill her."
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AllThatIWanted - 23 maj 12 - 09:02- Betyg:
Very good! Thumbs up! I wanna read more, so let me know when you post the continue :)

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20 maj 12 - 21:41
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