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Vortex of a mind

Forty five days has passed since I entered this land. The winter and snow holds a hard grasp around the land, neither life, humans, nor trees or flowers grows here. Not even grass grows on this plain ground of ice. I have been walking through this snowstorm for days. I believe my days are counted. I will die in this hellhole of winter and ice. I can’t even feel my feet or hands anymore. I stop walking as I feel the pain of the cold breathing under my skin. It’s my time. I lie down on the carpet of snow, my eyes are getting heavier and I close them.

Suddenly I feel a warm presence around me. I open my eyes and see, I’m in a tent. Where Am I? I look around. The tent is covered with necklaces made of feathers and bones. I notice that I’m in a bed and that warm presence I felt earlier is the cover. The cover is brown and wrinkled probably made of a skin, maybe bear or deer. I suddenly hear a voice. It’s a woman, an old woman. Her voice is cracked and she is talking slowly. Sadly, I don’t understand what she says, she must be an aborigines. She takes her hand in to a pouch; the hand is shaking and slowly sees it move over my head. She releases the powder that she held. I breathe it in and my eyes get heavy again.

I feel how my memories returns, that girl, I’ve could have saved her. I’m slowly getting sucked into the vortex of my mind. I feel how I lose my power again. I’m at a street; it’s my neighborhood I see a child walking across the road, she smiling. Her hair looks like silk in the wind. She waves and walk towards me. I smile and wave back, suddenly I hear a car. The spinning wheels hypnotize me. I stop breathing and just look. The car runs over her. The blood splatters across the street. Why? Why didn’t I push her away? She was just inches from living and I just stood there, watching. I can feel the pain in my chest and I lose control. I fly out of this vortex and back to the land, the land of winter.

Yet again I wake up in the tent, but the old lady isn’t there anymore. I look around and try to focus as feel how my head pounds in pain after my flashback. The pelt is still around me, warming me, consoling me. I take the pelt off and try to stand. My legs are weakened and I stagger, thought my will is strong and I stand up. My head bumps into the ceiling of the tent, the necklaces tremble and the sounds rings in my ears. I know, I have to get away from here. I look around in the tent trying to find any supplies that’s left from lady, as I look carefully around the tent I see something. It’s the pouch that the old lady used to seduce me. I grab it and open the tent.

The sun blinds my eyes as I go outside, I feel how the wind gust over my skin. Surprisingly the wind isn’t cold; it’s a welcoming warmth that drags me into the wild. I feel how my powers are regained and I jump. As I land I hear my legs crack, the pain is almost unbarring. I have to bite my lips to not scream. The taste of blood is touching my tongue as I move forward after my incident. The land is no longer cold, it’s warm, inviting and joyful. The leaves dance to wind whispering sounds. I feel a new feeling I never felt before a feeling, of no regret, no pain, and exciting will to live. I feel that I have got a new chance, the old is forgotten and the new is the past.
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