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A Princes Confession - del 37

Del 37
Very early in the morning Shou’s father had decided to depart for the grand wedding. Shou’s father sat in one of the two carriages with two of his closest guards whilst Shou, Amara and Ayaka sat in the other one. The tension was heavy between him and Amara, but he thanked whatever that might be up there for not including Ayaka in the fight. He wanted her to stay out of it. Out of Amara’s sight, but here she was, in the same place. He made Ayaka sit towards the window with a guard in front so it wouldn’t look suspicious. Amara sat on the other side with Shou in front of her.
The guards were already in their armors and sat on their horses, ready to leave. Once they came towards the town, the citizens were all praising their lord. Screaming and cheering. He looked at Ayaka to see her reaction and she seemed to enjoy herself. He peeked through the curtains to see if her mother would be there but he couldn’t spot her. The lord of this town wanted the curtain of the prince’s carriage to be closed.
Shou became weary once they got out of the town, he wanted to just fall asleep but couldn’t because of the damn wench, Amara. Yesterday, Shou didn’t have enough time to explain who Amara was to Ayaka. He could only say that both their fathers were great friends once.
It’s only a matter of time before she finds out that they actually hate each other, Shou thought.
“How are Liam and Yarjuun?” Amara asked.
Ayaka’s head snapped up and Shou hesitated for a moment, “They are fine.”
“I see. It is a pity they could not come along, it would have been more amiable.”
Shou’s eyebrows rose, “Oh really? Then it shall please me to tell you that Duran will be joining us shortly” he said.
Amara’s eyes darkened and her mouth twitched, “Cut the shit talk, prince” she almost spat at the last word.
“Fine by me, it disgusted me anyways.” He replied.
“Tell me, prince. Does Yarjuun look more and more alike her damned mother?” hate was written all over her face. Nothing more pleased Shou than to see her suffer.
“Yarjuun is lucky to take after her mother’s looks. She was very beautiful; every man would have fought for her hand in marriage.” He said, pouring more salt on her wound.
“Wench” Amara said, looking at Ayaka. Shou had to bite his tongue till it bleed to prevent him from hitting Amara very hard. Somehow, it made him very agitated if someone said or did something to Ayaka.
“My dearest princess from afar, why do such foul words come out of your mouth so easily?” he tried to say as politely as he could and indirectly.
One of Amara’s eyebrows rose, “Girl, servant, peasant, whatever Shou calls you. Fetch my horse from outside, I want to take a fresh breath” she said, “You are becoming more kind-hearted, prince.” She turned her head towards Shou and smiled.
Ayaka and Shou exchanged glances and he nodded. He couldn’t let the guard do it, it would be suspicious. Amara was the type of person to catch every little detail.
As soon as Amara got out, Shou let out a loud sigh. Ayaka came inside and closed the door behind. “Guard, leave us” he said. The guard seemed to hesitate but then left shortly.
Shou rested his head back of the wall, closing his eyes he felt like the mental choker Amara had put on him had fallen off. “She’s a real bitch” Shou mumbled.
“She knows who Liam and Yarjuun are?” Ayaka asked, or more like pointed it out.
“We’ve all known each other since we were kids. Well not Yarjuun, she wasn’t even born” Shou smiled, “But we knew her mother”
“Liam’s sister right?”
Shou nodded, “Don’t mention either one of their names to her. She will literally rip you apart…she’s scarier than the girl that came to you before” Shou said, grinning.
Ayaka threw her slipper on him and he was laughing as he caught it before it could hit him.
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Fribergska - 6 mar 12 - 22:51- Betyg:
Åh, att Ayaka bara lyckas vara tyst. Men så är hon ju smidig med ;-)

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5 mar 12 - 17:42
(Har blivit läst 84 ggr.)
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