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Get your thumb from the application, think outside of this complication, read this at least and value a voice, and if you did thanks would you wish to make a change?
Does it matter what you vote when silence implies that you understand and that the righteous democratic growth is a buying produce that has surpassed the corporate needs.
Does it matter what you vote if the vote is just you does it matter and if the vote is a vote that consent abuse?
What is state if it is elite and those who aren’t, what is justice if everyone doesn’t face the same term?
What pill has society swallowed when our need is greed our means is the means to exceed what does it mean in society where one vote don’t mean a thing, two votes doesn’t seem to exist and hundred gets lost in the buzz.
What’s democratic ways when lies are indoctrinating manipulating our sense what’s within us that doesn’t see the shit doesn’t think to lift a finger to act just to floss and go to bed?
A vote should choke in the back of the throat grasp a cell in our self’s that got something real not the bullshit we always tell, a vote not for the tax cut for us on the benefit on someone else that has the worse.
We should get courage that isn’t for sale, a voice that isn’t the modern contemporary marketed choice but thinking to change the worst to better and so the least can get lifted out of this new age hell.
A speech that doesn’t reek, some sentences that honestly is what you get not the opposite a politician born outside of the power struggle torn from the corrupt state that doesn’t wish to wear the latest thread and have the latest objects, one that reject a comforting stalemate where it revolves and never get near to get solved.
A people under its flag without need for blood not wishing more than to help each other’s out in a pinch.
What does it mean if isn’t what it seems, what can exist beyond contempt and hate for this same lame society if you not get rich or laid?
We can get afraid by latest threats get born into certain rolls fold ourselves into defective molds and tell it was great but never sell other for ourselves.
It isn’t late by it isn’t early, our vote, our life span must demand change must demand equality for ourselves for those who haven’t the fortune to being born in a rich place.
Something that supports to think outside of thinking this bullshit of democracy is fine.
Because does life exist to become a roll of event as we eat feed fucking breath getting satisfied sexually as some seethes in the luxury if they have the luck?
So we must grow up stop thinking about just the drunk state that escapes responsibility and claims humility.
I say for myself I am fed up on being placed where some want, saying the words that sounds false just becoming a drone clone of the ordinary frame that claim the personality and the right might in being nice, frank, polite just trying to gain some real feeling of happy and fighting for something or someone more than me, someone truly free.
Someone not bonded by cash or estate branded because of name or decease someone that isn’t pleased when there is greed someone free that get what they want to be.
Free coexisting, free wishing and able to get if it doesn’t walk over others.
Free to live without the chain and ball, with peace and a sense that see’s life is beautiful and everyone and everything is worth the same and can’t be soiled or killed without feeling the consequence.
But as this word’s will be claimed in the silence void of the net the dying hope that wish’s to try to change don’t fall in line don’t define ourselves as greedy and cruel as the past has seen.
Accept the differences and see that what’s matter is getting out the best out of life for all that’s alive.
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