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Tokyo Girls [del 67]

Del 67
Kokoro had already eaten as soon as she came home and started cleaning the place. Her apartment consisted of one bathroom, one bedroom, a kitchen and a living-room. She would always eat her food on the table in front of the television. The lamps on the roof were mild which made the entire room warm and comfy. It was raining cats and dogs outside, so she thought of warming soup for Kou. She was a bit skeptical but once the door knocked her heart rate started to quicken.
He’s here! She thought, alarmed. She fixed her hair and gave a quick glance in the mirror. She wore green jeans with a simple yellow full-sleeved shirt.
She opened the door and found Kou standing there, all wet. “Oh wow!” she said and moved aside for him to step in. “You need to dry yourself” she said and threw a towel on his face. He took hold of it and put it on his head.
“My brother left some of his clothes here...they might fit you, the bathrooms here!” she said, taking hold of his wrist and led him there. She glanced at him and he was looking around in amazement.
Kokoro went to the extra room. This room was forbidden for anyone to enter, Miharu was exceptional. Her brother had lived here before too when she was a little kid. They both used to share the same bed until she became too old and he had to sleep on the sofa instead.
Kokoro found a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt. She quickly went back to Kou, who was standing awkwardly between the bathroom and the living-room.
“Here you go!” she sang out as she handed them to him. He eyed them for a while, “Does your brother live here?” he asked, suspiciously.
“Nope, he left a long time ago and I haven’t seen him since. Now, go inside and dry up! I have food warmed up for you” she said and pushed him in.
It felt like ages to see Asuka and Yamashita again, and it felt good spending some quality time with them. Her father had already left for work and was probably going to stay there for the night too.
“How was it over there?” Asuka asked.
“It was very fun! We got to see Gary almost naked…he had to put a cushion in front of his manhood”
Yamashita snorted, “He really is a whore”
Miharu froze, “Excuse me?”
“Well he had neither shame nor problem stripping which equals whore”
“It was just in front of his friends!” Miharu exclaimed, feeling the heat on her face.
Yamashita’s eyebrows rose, “Your friends are his? What will he do next to Ichigo and Kokoro I wonder? I mean he had no problem whoring to that other girl…what’s her name?”
“Alice…” Miharu mumbled.
“Well, this relationship won’t last for long…I mean all of your previous relationships last for four months”
“Stop that Yamashita! Can’t you see she had a good time?” Asuka filled in, laughing a bit awkwardly.
“Whatever” Miharu said and went to her room instead. Somehow, Yamashita’s words were bothering her now.
Kokoro kept on cursing herself for putting Naruto on for Kou. It had gone three hours since they last started the first episode. She gave him chips with dip and felt like throwing that dip on his face.
I feel like a baby-sitter…Kokoro thought in defeat. In the beginning she thought Naruto might be a good choice for Kou since they both have something in common – anger. Naruto was also a lonely kid who everyone neglected because of his inner beast. But now she wanted to close this shit.
She looked at the watch and decided she wanted to do something special for him. The stars were bound to shine by now. She took hold of the remote and pause the show. Kou looked back at her with confused eyes.
“C’mon, I want to show you something” she said and went to the hall.
“Show me later…put on the show. I want to watch it” he ordered.
She gave him a very evil look, “Decide, the easy way or the hard one? Because right now I can take hold of you by the arm and drag you here, you don’t like me touching you right? I will touch you really hard” she threatened.
Kou’s eyes widened and his jaws clenched, it took almost a heartbeat and he nodded. “Your wish lasts till today” he mumbled as he followed her.
Both of them put on their jackets and shoes to go to the top of the apartment. It was still raining, so both of them used an umbrella. Kou kept on sighing once they stood outside at the top. He kept on looking at her, “What now?”
“Look at the stars” she said and looked up herself. He followed suit. “What now?”
“I want you to really know who I am. It’s fine if you run away, Kou. Both Miharu and Ichigo did. I’d understand you…but please, I beg you, don’t tell anyone!” she said. She wanted to tell him that she was a witch…or not tell, but show.
He looked back at her, “Tell me what?”
She took the umbrella away, “Promise me you won’t tell anyone!”
Kou rolled his eyes, “Sure”
“Look up” she said, “And keep your eyes there” Kokoro reached her hands up at the sky as much as she could. She started mumbling something as she felt the force of the star upon her palms. She gently clutched it and slowly dragged one of the stars to her. Her heart was racing and she was scared that he might find her horrible and not talk to her anymore. But she had to tell him.
It took a moment until the star started coming towards her, Kou said, “You don’t want me to tell anyone about a falling star?” he said, as if she was stupid.
“Idiot” she said to him, “Look closer”
He looked at the falling star until his lips parted and he drew in a sharp breath. “We should go…” he said.
“No, just stay for a moment” she said.
The star was not that far away when Kou backed away and fell on his butt. What a cutie, Kokoro thought. Until the star was right in front of them, she put her hand forward and it stopped. She dimmed its light so it wouldn’t hurt their eyes.
“What the hell!?” he exclaimed, his eyes wide.
“The story, the witch of the west was based on my grand-grand-grand-grandmother” she confessed.
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Eme_96 - 24 feb 12 - 17:35- Betyg:
Ååh så braa!! :D Ni måste skriva mer nuuuuuuuuu!! det är grymt bra! :D mejlaa!!

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23 feb 12 - 19:08
(Har blivit läst 84 ggr.)
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