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Tokyo Girls [del 63]

Del 63
Her pulse quickened and her breathing got heavier. His words were lingering in her head and she embraced him. Pulling herself closer to him, as if to fill the void in her heart that now, became completely whole. “I like, like you too.” She whispered to him. He was her courage and if he could show her the first steps, she could easily climb them.
He let go of her and smiled, “So…I’m not that really good with this…but you’re my girlfriend now right?” he asked.
Ichigo became red and nodded, “Yeah” she managed to mumble.
He nodded and took her hand and led her back to the van. But she kept on thinking, he’s finally mine! He really is mine! This isn’t a dream right?
Just when they entered, everyone sat in a circle with a deck of cards in the middle.“What happened to the movie?” Ichigo asked as she sat next to Miharu.
“Gary kept getting jealous of Gyllenhaal so he wanted to do something more fun” she explained.
“I was not jealous!” he said, pouting.
“Yeah sure”
Kou sighed,“Get this over with”
Punky sat next to Gary, “What are we playing?”
“Poker…but instead of money, with clothes”
Punky and Gary exchanged looks and it felt like Punky was praising him for thinking of such a game. It was as if he was telling Gary; Good job there.
“We’ll be in teams!” Miharu jumped in, “Girls against boys. If the girls win, of course, with bonus the guys would be already naked, but we can request one thing from each boy! And vice versa if the guys win”
“No cheating” Gary said. Miharu was about to say something, “I know you girls, especially Miharu, is very sly” that made Miharu quiet again.
The circle dissembled; three girls sat in front of three guys with the deck in the middle. Gary started fixing the cards, while Ichigo was completely lost. “I don’t know how to play this” she said out of the blue.
Miharu’s eyes widened, “No way” she said with panic. “It’s unfair!”
Punky smiled, “That’s my girl” he said.
Gary gave the same look to Punky; Good job there, what’s with guys and their weird praising when it comes to girls?
“Ichigo, just watch the first round, you’ll learn fast” Miharu said.
“Don’t worry, we’ll win without her” Kokoro said with utter confident. “I’m not letting Kou get one wish, he’d probably wish me away” she said, with a sarcastic hurt look on her face.
Kou looked at her and sighed.
“Well! Add some magic in it” Miharu said, blinking. The girls were laughing because both Miharu and Ichigo knew of Kokoro’s magic. But the guys didn’t. Suddenly, Ichigo wanted to give the look; Good job there but received a ‘what’ as response from Kokoro.
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Eme_96 - 21 feb 12 - 19:43- Betyg:
riktigt grymt!! :D mejlaa!! :D:D

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19 feb 12 - 22:09
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