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The pieces of shattered glass were glittering like diamonds in the sun that shone through the window. How pretty, Sungmin thought.

If this moment, right now, stayed for an eternity, he wouldn’t mind.
Then again, time is impossible to stop.

His head turned as a hand landed none too gently on his cheek. The glass shards slid out of his line of vision. Too bad. Now he had nothing to hold on to.

Words washed over him like a cold waterfall, drenching him to the core. What had he done wrong?

“Kyu,” he whispered, but the man would not stop insulting him.

“Kyuhyun-ah,” he said, a little bit louder, when Kyuhyun paused long enough to breathe.

The silence stretched and Sungmin turned his head. He wasn’t crying, wasn’t swearing. Kyuhyun stared down at him, breathing heavily.

There was anger in his eyes. Anger and hatred and confusion, all for Sungmin.

In Sungmin’s eyes, there was nothing.

“Kyuhyun-ah, where did the love go?” he asked, his voice soft and gentle, inquiring.

Sungmin said nothing as Kyuhyun broke down in front of him, just wiped the crystal tears from his wet cheeks.

“Don’t cry, love. Yet it’s not too late.”
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Safir - 14 feb 12 - 19:47
Beautiful, simpel but yet soo beautiful

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14 feb 12 - 18:21
(Har blivit läst 52 ggr.)
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