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Tokyo Girls [del 57]

Kap 57
Kou turned around in such speed I couldn’t comprehend for a moment. The only thing I knew was that he was facing me, holding my wrists very hard and looking at me with those wide and surprised eyes. I gave him the same look too since I had no idea what was happening. “W-what?” I mumbled.
“Stop touching me” he hissed.
“No buts. Just stop.” He pleaded.
I was looking at that desperate eyes of his and I was scared. I knew already he didn’t like me that much but to this extent, it was almost hurtful. A sharp pain went through my chest and it hurt. “Let me go and I’ll stop” I said, noticing how my voice came across as…sad.
He nodded and slowly let go. I felt a bit heavy, probably disappointed by his actions, but what could I have expected? I pulled my blanket towards my shoulders and curled up and closed my eyes.
“Did you feel anything?” he asked, out of the blue.
My eyes fluttered open, did I feel anything? I thought. Um…was I supposed to feel anything? “Your…back?” I mumbled, “If you want it in more details it was hard and muscular. Your stomach on the other hand was fat and flabby”
“What?” he gritted between his teeth.
“You didn’t catch that? Fat and flabby, your stomach. Total disappointing” I said, as in a matter-of-fact tone. Then I closed my eyes again, bringing my blanket up to my ears.
This time he yanked my blanket down, “My stomach is not fat and flabby. Get your facts right” he said, as if looking down on me.
“Hooh” I sang out, “Are you challenging me?” I looked at him levelly.
Kou averted his eyes, “No…I just said get your facts right”
“Then I’ll just have to get my facts right then. But before I do, don’t blame everything on me. You started it” I warned him.
Before he could say anything, I took his blanket away and lay my hands gently on his stomach. It never did feel fat or flabby, I just wanted to get on his nerves because he did the same to me.


I could feel every part of Gary as he lay almost on top of me. But it was alright since I felt safest with him. I couldn’t imagine how Ichigo felt insecure with Punky; maybe I’m just as perverted as both Gary and Punky? Or Punky has issue, because Gary was an angel but his mouth was not.
“Well this is nice” Gary said, popping me out of my head.
“Why is it awfully quiet?”
“I wonder that too. Shouldn’t Kou get like ‘EUUW KOKORO’” I said, exaggerating. A snort was heard close by.
“Should we show him something funny?” I whispered into Gary’s ears.
He wiggled his head a bit by the air that came out of my lips when I spoke. “What?” he replied.
“Let’s show him something he hasn’t experienced that will make him embarrassed”
“Oh?” a huge grin appeared on his face, “And that is?”
I took hold of his neck and pulled him to my lips. Our lips touched and soon that heated kiss became heated touches. His arms were everywhere on me and I couldn’t keep track on where mine were. I kept on peering towards Kou’s direction and his eyes were widened. I opened my mouth extra so he could see a bit of how our tongues were entangled. Quickly I saw how he looked away.
I pulled Gary away and chuckled. He was breathing heavily, “What?” he said, this time he sounded a bit annoyed.
“He’s embarrassed! Mahaha” I laughed evily.
I pushed him aside and tiptoed towards Kou, though I felt a cold air rush past me and I shivered. I bent down a bit so my hair fell on his face. He opened his eyes and looked at me with his eyebrows curled down. “What?” he demanded.
“You know, you could do that to with Kokoro” I said and went back to Gary.
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Eme_96 - 13 feb 12 - 19:53- Betyg:
hahaha såå braa!! :D:D:D mejlaa! :D

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13 feb 12 - 14:30
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