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Tokyo Girls [del 55]

Del 55
Fufufu interesting…the back of my head said. Punky’s jaw tightened whenever I pulled my leg up, I could also feel something hard on my knees. “Didn’t you want to sleep?” Punky managed to say.
“Nope. Now I’m wide awake” I replied smugly.
His eyebrows sunk and he bit his lip, “Seriously…” he mumbled.
My hands went from his chest up to his hair and I pulled him closer to me. I tried to tiptoe even lying down, my toes touched Punky’s feet and I pulled myself up to kiss him. It was as if he read my movement and he put his arms around my waist. His lips felt hot and shivers ran down my spine.
Suddenly you could hear a loud roar from outside and how something kept on falling on the roof of the trailer. Both of us let go of each other but his arms were still around me. “W-what was that?” I stammered, frightened to death. My heart was beating like a maniac and suddenly I saw how water droplets were falling from outside of the window. “It’s raining” Punky said, “And there’s a thunder. Absolutely perfect” he said in sarcasm.
I lightly pinched him on the arm, “What happened to your sense of physics? I taught them all to you” I said, frowning. “Being in cars is the most safest” I explained.
“Ohh” he mumbled, “And about physics. I thought I mastered biology already” he said and tried to kiss me again until we saw a figure not far away sitting up. It felt like one of those exorcist or Emily Rose scenes, I went even closer to Punky.
“Miharu?” Punky said.
“Has she been possessed?” I said, my voice uneven.
Punky looked at me in disbelief.
“No I’m not possessed you stupid little monkey” Miharu hissed.
I let go of Punky and sat up, “Oh sorry. What’s up?”
“I think I want to go to Gary…” Miharu looked pretty disturbed.
“Fine with me” Punky said in such satisfaction.
My stomach twisted and turned, “Noooo!!”
Miharu stood up and I felt like doing the same, “You guys would anyways had sex right in front of me. I’d rather be somewhere else…Sorry Ichi” Miharu said, blinking towards Punky, whom nodded with a huge grin on his face.
I hate life…I thought.


I felt guilty looking at Ichigo’s disappointed and scared face, was Punky really that scary? Well, I never knew what he did to be guilty…probably of rape. And here I’m leaving my friend with a rapist, but oh, what could I do? She’d give in anyways.
We had four keys for the trailers. One I left for Ichigo and Punky and the other one I took with me to be able to open the other trailer. Where Gary is. Somehow when it started to rain, I felt so lonely and longed for him. Stupid him! Without him, I can’t even sleep like I used to. He’s my little teddy bear, and a sexy one too. Score for me. I got the best one. I thought with a grin.
But that grin suddenly vanished once I stepped out from the freaking trailer. The forest looked scary like anything and my adrenaline was starting to kick in. Well not really but it felt like it. The two trailers weren’t that far from each other but I still got soaked. It was raining like cats and dogs out here. I was right outside the trailer and then I fiddled with the keys to open the door but it was so cold that my hands felt like they turned into stone. One thing I had on my mind, please don’t let it thunder while I’m out here.
Finally I managed to turn the key once it was in the lock and the door opened. Once I stepped in, I was welcomed by the most outrageous scream I had ever heard. It even made me scared and I quickly turned my head towards that direction and found Kokoro on top of Kou. Poor him. “I’m sorry!” I mumbled, “Just wanted to be with Gary” I explained, whispering as I found Gary still sleeping. When I found him still sleeping, I was impressed that, that sound didn’t penetrate his ears.
I felt my clothes were sticking all close to me and I felt disgusted, so I just jumped on top of Gary and he sat up directly. “Gaaaryyy!” I mumbled, my teeth were clacking and I was shivering.
“EUW!” he almost squealed. But then he noticed it was me, “Oh sorry Miharu…wait, why are you so wet? And you’re making me all cold” he explained.
“Making you cold? I’m almost freezing to death. And here I came across that storm just to see you and I get welcomed by a ‘euw’”
Gary hugged me quickly then let go, “Sorry. Hear, take my shirt” he said. Pulling his shirt off he handed it towards me.
“Um thanks” I mumbled. I stood up and awkwardly struggled towards the toilet. “Haha you look like a little duckling” Gary whispered from behind.
I quickly curled myself to Gary once I got out. I was still freezing but I felt so much in ease seeing him. “I wanted to see you” I said, “It was scary and I felt lonely over there. Punky is probably raping Ichigo now. Does that make me a bad person?” I went on.
Gary chuckled and pulled me closer. My head was under his chin and I stretched my arms down because of the blood-stop. “Nah Punky isn’t like that…I hope not. You’re not a bad-“ he stopped once my hands reached down between his legs. It was as if my eyes stretched all the way to his thing once I accidently touched it. I put my arms back up again towards his chest and felt my cheeks getting hotter. “person” he finished.
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Eme_96 - 12 feb 12 - 23:06- Betyg:
Awesome! :D Riktigt braa!! :D:D mejla nästa!! :D:D

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12 feb 12 - 22:32
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