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Tokyo Girls [del 53]

Kap 53
Both Gary and I were lying on each side of Kou and the scary part was I got the window by my side. I could hear Gary snoring from the other side. “You seem pretty close to your brother” I said, whispering to Kou.
He moved his head towards my direction, “Yeah” he mumbled.
“It must feel good to once in a while rely on him?”
“I had a brother too” I went on. “I haven’t heard from him for some years. I was sent away from our house. I grew up with my brother; he was like a father. Sometimes that slipped through my lips and I would call him father” I said, chuckling by the thought. I felt a pang of sadness, I missed him so much. “I wonder what he’s doing now” I mumbled, more to myself.
“He didn’t care for you?” Kou asked. That took me by surprise; Kou was never the one to ask questions.
“Of course he cared for me! But I guess he couldn’t afford taking care of me too or that’s what I would love to believe” I explained, “I miss him” my voice didn’t come out as I would have wanted it to, instead it broke. It was as if I noticed the big whole in my heart, I could almost feel it there.
“Yeah…I know” he said, his voice was so reassuring. So gentle, I couldn’t believe that it was coming from him.
“You sound and act differently when I mention your brother or when we talk about brothers” I pointed out.
“I do?” he asked, but he probably knew the answer himself.
“Tell me about yours”
This time, he looked up towards the ceiling with his right hand resting upon his stomach. “He taught me vices and virtues. He taught me things I guess I couldn’t on my own. He was like my mentor” he mumbled. “Probably when I look back it’s as if he was preparing me for the outside world”
“Aww that sounds pretty sad! Didn’t he tell you any bedtime stories?”
One of his eyebrows rose, “He did in fact. Story tales”
I clapped my hand but regretted as Gary made a small noise, but he just changed position and fell back again to sleep. “Which was your favorite?” I asked, once it felt safe to talk again.
If I could have seen correctly, it was as if he was smiling a bit. “My favorite was the Witch of the West”
My breathing and movement stopped at the word witches. It was as if that word poured venom inside of me and I was slowly dying. “Why?” I managed to get out.
“She was lonely and misunderstood”
“Really? I heard witches were despicable and loved to eat children”
“How could they? They could talk to animals. I don’t think they had the heart to do it”
I chuckled, “Really! You are something”
“Seriously, what a lame topic this is”


Both Miharu and I were whispering for a while until she kept on yawning and I felt sorry for holding her up all the time. She turned around and went to sleep in an instant. I sighed and closed my eyes, I kept on backing until I could feel a body behind me.
I drew in a sharp breath and looked behind. I looked up towards Punky whom was smiling towards me. His hands were already around my waist, pulling me closer to his body. I hadn’t noticed that we were in one sheet until I could feel his legs getting entwined with mine.
I turned around, my hands automatically curled up towards his chest, “Stop” I hissed.
He leaned down; his hands went all the way from my waist to my ears. A chill ran down my spine as he gently held my hair, “Nope” he grinned.
“Seriously…this is awkward…”
“Alright, I won’t do anything. Let’s just lie like this since it’ll be the last time”
“Last time?” I wondered.
“Did you forget that important life-choice tournament of yours?”
I felt heat rush to my face, “T-that was-“ I was about to defend myself.
“Hush! You’ll wake your friend” Punky said. “Get some sleep now”
What a little devil he was, asking me to go to sleep when we’re lying like this. If I can’t sleep, then he can’t either! I thought with a determined attitude.
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Eme_96 - 8 feb 12 - 22:11- Betyg:
grymt bra! :D mejlaa! :D:D

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8 feb 12 - 11:52
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