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Tokyo Girls [del 51]

Del 51
The sudden incident of Kou’s outburst made everyone awkwardly working. It was as if they ignored that ever happened, as if they ignored his feelings at all. My eyebrows creased, what could he be feeling? Something must have happened that made him suddenly want to scream, as if that was the only way to get his point across.
My eyes suddenly met with Kou’s and I knew I had to act. I couldn’t continue my work when I saw how much he despised being here. I went towards him, stretching my hand, “Come” I whispered. He blinked his eyes but I grabbed his hand and pulled him slowly away from the crowd.
Kou followed me obediently but pulled his hand back. Maybe I had been way to straight forward? I thought. It surprised me how much serious I was of him. Before it was the fun of his reaction, well partially it is, but now I wanted him to feel good around me. And I can’t do that while being inconsiderate about his feelings, but I still have to slowly push him.
I stopped and turned around. But at the same time, I let my fingers dance around the wind and all the leaves on the trees and ground started flying around us in a slow but natural way. I changed a few of their colors, some being dark brown and some fresh green.
I could hear Kou gasp and looked around and I smiled myself. “A bit windy huh?” I said, softly.
He looked at me as if I wasn’t at first ever there, “Yeah…timing” he mumbled, his voice was very…sad.
I went a bit closely towards him, he had an animal’s instinct. If I had been running towards him he would have felt attacked so I tried walking slowly to him, so he knew what I was doing. “Why are you so different?” I asked. I knew how it felt being different, being alone. I was just like him before; I could never accept my fate or my so called gift. I hardly even thought it was a gift, more like a curse.
What can I say…what can I say to get to him? How will he understand me? I thought. How do you approach someone you want so badly? How do you act towards them?
I stopped once I noticed how tense he became. “You know what the greatest pleasures are?” I asked. “It’s when you let go of a grudge. It’s when you learn to let go. It’s when you…when you can overcome an obstacle” I said, “And when you have done that. Throughout the process you’ll have friends, a friend that you can open to and that too is also the greatest pleasure”
I decided to stop think of ways to approach him. Instead, I thought of my own experiences. Holding things inside made me insane it was eating me alive. Until I found Miharu, I too was like Kou. Maybe it was why I felt attracted to him? I want to help him. “You know who your greatest enemy is?” I asked him.
His eyebrows creased. It was quiet for a minute until he realized I wasn’t going to continue the question until he replied. “I don’t know” he shrugged, “The people I hate, I guess?”
“Wrong. It’s you yourself” I said, “You are the greatest enemy to yourself. And what do they say? Keep your enemies closer or something…yeah, get to know yourself better and be one with yourself”
I patted his shoulders gently and left to work. Sure, I was extra careful to not tick him off since it was frightening the way he was angry. But the sadness in his eyes was way too strong for me to be scared. I probably didn’t even help him at all. But now I realized what I really wanted.


We were finally done fixing this goddamn thing and we sat down in defeat, well we were proud but very tired. I sat behind Gary, leaning myself on his back. His back was quite bony but still well built, it was a mixture of both. “So should we divide to boys and girls? Boys stay in this one and girls on that one” Ichigo said, pointing towards them both.
“Sure” I said. I saw through the corner of my eyes that Kokoro came out of the bushes but not far away Kou came too.
“Guys on that side and girls on this” I told both Kokoro and Kou. Kokoro nodded but Kou looked a bit annoyed, “I ain’t staying with that idiot” he said, pointing towards Punky – I decided calling him that because of Ichigo.
“Hmf! I never planned on staying with you either” Punky replied, both annoyed.
“Then! Let’s mix” Gary said, his eyes sparkling.
I sighed, “Nooo!” I said.
“Better for me! I want to stay in the same one as Kou!” Kokoro sang out.
“Then you and Kou stay on that side, me and Ichigo will stay on this” Punky said.
“Whaaat! Who said I was going to be with you?” Ichigo joked.
“Your soul and mind” Punky said, grinning.
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Eme_96 - 7 feb 12 - 22:29- Betyg:
riktigt, riktigt bra! :D älskar karaktärerna!! :D mejla nästa!! :D:D:D

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7 feb 12 - 22:10
(Har blivit läst 86 ggr.)
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