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Tokyo Girls [del 49]

Kap 49
I hunched down as I entered the car and my eyes lies straight on someone sitting with his head leaning on his hand. My heart started to flutter and I could feel my blood flowing towards my face as I realized who was sitting there.
Kou had a different reaction from what was mine and I could clearly see that. His jaw hardened and he mumbled something under his breath. “WELL HEY STRANGER!” I said, trying to make me sound happy and not nervous. But Kou’s eyebrows creased and he looked away, sighing.
It felt awkward and I felt bad for him because I was sitting next to him. Ichigo took the seat next to his brother to give him directions. Once we started driving, it was as if the group was divided into two. I could hear Ichigo and Kou’s brother talking while it was quiet like the amazon rain forest over here. I then decided to play with sounds through my mouth to somehow let this uneasy awkward feeling and the silence go.
“Seriously…stop that” Kou ordered with his voice hard.
I stopped.
For some seconds, Kou looked at me in shock. I smiled, “So I am right” I pointed out.
“Right with what?” he asked, his voice sounded pretty annoyed.
“Thaaat” I gently pointed my index finger on his forehead, “Some say that you constantly hold a poker face. But I always said ‘that’s cus you’re all noobs and don’t know how to shock him’”
He pushed my hand away and snorted. “You didn’t shock me”
“Oh so you’re naïve to? Shall I explain the definition about ‘shock’?” I loved seeing his reactions whenever he was annoyed.
He gritted his teeth, “No”
“So…since this is a short-long drive, let’s go through all the emotions you ever felt” I suggested, since I didn’t want that awkward silence to start again because Kou is such a conversation killer.
“No-“ he was about to protest.
“Have you ever had constipation?”
“What! First of all, no. And second, that isn’t any emotion” he said at first in disbelief but later he was lecturing me.
“Alright. Have you been so angry that you went almost berserk?”
Kou was quiet and I took that as a yes. “Alright. Have you ever felt pleasure?”
“Pleasure…” his cheeks were a bit red, “In what sense?” he almost had to choke to say that.
“Um…like for example holding your piss for so long that it feels good to finally let it out” Well, I actually thought in love, but this is also funny, I thought.
Before Kou could say his snappy comment, a dark and loud voice was laughing in front of us. We looked forward and found Kou’s brother laughing. “Ah. What’s your name girl?” he asked. I didn’t know which of the girls he meant, me or Ichigo. But then he looked at his mirror and we had a brief eye contact, “Kokoro” I replied.
“Kokoro, that’s a pretty name. I like your humor. Something Kou needs in his life” he stated.
“Has Kou ever had in constipation?” I asked, trying to hide the fact that I was embarrassed by the compliment.
“Seriously, you little-“ Kou said, putting his hand on my head and forcefully pulled me back.
“No, but when he was a baby he used to poo a lot” he said.
Ichigo chuckled, “All kids do…”
“I know but after every second. And what was the worst, he loved to pee on people too. Especially me, whenever I had to always change his diapers, he would pee ALWAYS on me” It felt like Kou’s brother was reminiscing the past, as if he was right at that moment and not here. Even though he implied he didn’t like it, he was smiling, smiling as if he missed those times. But I spotted that there was also something painful in his eyes.
“Stop talking or I swear, I’ll get out of the car. I’ll be perfectly fine walking back” Kou said, he was also red, but I didn’t know if it was of embarrassment or anger.
I smiled and touched Kou’s brown hair. “See. Now if someone asks ‘have you ever been embarrassed?’ you can answer with a confident yes!” I said, smiling.
He creased his eyebrows, “That’s not something you’re confident about” yet again, pushing my hand away, but not that much force.
“I know. I was just testing you, if you were angry or embarrassed”
Kou’s brother laughed yet again but Kou gave me one serious glance and I sat opposite to him. But I was talking to his brother. At times I checked back and found him looking at me but then out of the window.
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Eme_96 - 7 feb 12 - 21:59- Betyg:
sjukt bra!! har suttit och läst om alla delar! Både för att komma ihåg alla karaktärer och vad som har hänt men också för den är så otroligt bra!! :D mejla gärna nästa!! :D:D

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7 feb 12 - 14:52
(Har blivit läst 78 ggr.)
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