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A Princes Confession - del 35

Kap 34
I was quiet for a long time, wondering what could possibly go through this innocent girl’s mind? I could sense she was scared as her grip on my hand tightened. Suddenly that annoying distinctive urge came upon me and I wanted to so ever just hold her to myself. But I tried to contain myself, this was even worse than war.
“You sleeping yet?” I asked. I made a vow to myself that if she was asleep, I would take my hand away. Somehow I wished she was not sleeping. What was this feeling?
“No…” she replied. My heart stopped for a moment and I smiled.
“Watch out, she might come upfront and attack” I whispered.
“You meanie!” she hissed and turned around so she was faced to me.
My fingers tangled through her hair, it was long and beautiful. “You should not be scared, I’m here”
“Well you might leave once I fall asleep”
“Why do you think that?”
“You are so mysterious” her voice was falling at times, so fragile.
“Will it make you feel better if I promised you that I won’t leave?” I asked.
“Yes, a promise from a prince, how rare”
I was laughing, “Of course, better treasure it”
“As m’lord says” she said, emphasizing on the m’lord.
Suddenly her hands went to my chest and lay there, the same urge came again. Instead I took hold of her hands, pulled them down and kept on holding them. I leaned forward so my forehead touched hers and closed my eyes. Trying to sleep, which surprisingly worked as the whole day’s tension fell upon me.

“Shou” someone said.
I moved around as some pair of arms was shaking me but I couldn’t care less…until it got too much. Suddenly I took hold of the person’s waist and pulled it down. Until I found the little body I had pinned down. Yarjuun grinned, “Wake up” she said.
“What do you want?” I asked, let go of her and lay down back on to my bed.
“Meeting as always” she said.
“Where’s Ayaka?” I asked, as I noticed her scent wasn’t here.
“Well she’s working…” Yarjuun said, in a tone as if it a matter-of-fact.
I threw a pillow on her, “Don’t give me that tone”
“Whatever Shou, whatever” she said, pulling my hand.
I somehow got up and what surprised me was that the time was eight o’clock. How long had I been asleep? And shouldn’t Ayaka have come and wake me up?
“Ayaka is alright, right?” I asked Yarjuun, as panic shot up to me.
“Don’t worry Big Bad Wolf, she’s fine”

“As always Shou, you are late” My father said.
“My apologies” I said.
“Save it” he had his hand up and let it down again. “We shall go to the Kingdom of Lavène. The Queen is to wed her daughter to the Prince of the North and there shall be a feast. She wants us there. Tell your personal servant to pack up.” He said.
“When are we to depart?”
“Tomorrow. Liam and Yarjuun are coming along as well as…Amara”
Amara…I stiffened at the mention of her name. “W-why?”
“Why not? She belongs to the pack as much as Liam and Yarjuun”
“But if Amara is coming then-“
“Yes Duran is coming to”
Before I could protest, someone was screaming outside. “EXCUSE ME?” the voice screamed outside, and it was a voice far too familiar to me. I shuddered, “She’s here…Amara…”
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