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A Princes Confession - del 33

Kap 33
Ayaka lay pressed against me and I found it hard to think. This was something different; my stomach was twisting and turning. The only place I could concentrate on was the area Ayaka was pressed against me, her chests.
I clenched my fists which lay on each side of her head and tightened my jaw. Think about anything else than there! I thought countless of times. Is there anything that will make Yarjuun open the door? The back of my head said. There was no way to blackmail her or she would never open this door.
Ayaka was breathing in and out thus her chest was heaving, even touching closer to me. Dammit! I screamed in my head. “Shou?” Ayaka faintly said, bringing me back to reality.
“Y-yes?” I stammered.
“Isn’t there something that Yarjuun might like?” she asked, she looked as if she was thinking of something.
“Um…” I mumbled, my thoughts went to the way she was curved instead. How she perfectly stood against my body, every curve fit with me. “Honestly, I can’t think right now” my arm slid down to her waist and I rested my head on her shoulder. My other arm was right above her collarbone. She was warm and comfortable. I could start to feel my blood pump and the only thing I could think about was slowly sliding my hand down towards her b-
“But I need you to think!” she hissed.
My eyes widened and I stopped by taking both my arms away from her wishing that she knew how I was feeling right now. How do girls think? Well, I am absolutely sure they don’t think about the men’s chest area. Think about Yarjuun instead! I kept on thinking about what she used to do before meeting Ayaka, she was always keen for a bubble bath in my bathroom…
“That’s it!” I said, my eyes sparkling.
“What’s it?!” she almost exclaimed.
“I always refused Yarjuun to take a bubble bath in my bathroom. If we let her do that she might open this door” I suggested. I was proud of myself, for actually gone to war with my thoughts. I let my sensible side win.
“That’s great!” she squealed, which echoed.
“Yarjuun you there?” I said, louder for her to hear on the other side.
A light giggle was heard on the outside, “Yeees?” she sung out.
“We have a great deal to offer you” I said smugly.
“And that iiiis?”
“Let us out and we’ll fix a BIG bubble bath for you!”
It was quiet for a moment, “Will you still give me a bubble bath if I leave you for five minutes?”
I sighed, “Say goodbye to your bubble bath in five seconds”
“No wait!” I could hear the stress in her words, good, I was getting to her.
“But I’m just doing this for the sake-“
“Shooouu” Yarjuun cried out and I could hear Ayaka chuckling.
“Three…four. And the last number iiiiis”
Suddenly a loud noise shrieked and a large amount of light was streaming in. Both of us got out at the same time, inhaling.
The air felt clearer and fresher in the library than it was inside that hidden room. I sighed and chased for Yarjuun whom was sulking. We all ran back to my room and I jumped back onto my bed until I found Liam sitting on the chair I sat on before.
“Liam!” I said and sat up straight, “How did it go?”
Liam looked from Ayaka back to me. “Ah, Ayaka could you fix water and bubbles for Yarjuun. I’ll be right there to help too” I asked her. She exchanged glances from me to Liam and nodded slowly. Both of them leaving us behind.
“So?” I could see faint scars on Liam’s bare chest. I tossed him over one of my shirts that was lying on the floor and he accepted it.
“I got to her and I killed her. It was easy since we kept on giving her the poison” he explained, yet again no feelings in his voice. “But something that she said, I couldn’t get it out of my head” his eyebrows creased.
“That her folks were gonna slaughter ours?” I suggested.
“Not that. She said that someone of ours had broken the treaty from the beginning. And that we should be forming an alliance not go against each other” Liam frowned.
Ayaka suddenly came out, “Yarjuun wants to see Liam” she said, apologetically.
Liam stood up and went inside the bathroom.
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