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A Princes Confession - del 31

Kap 31
I think I understand how girls feel when they are sexually harassed. There was a different flow in the room suddenly, a bit heavy and I felt like I was in the center of everything. Damn that Yarjuun. I peered at Ayaka and she was literally digging herself underneath the blanket.
“Riight and Yarjuun is very young to be thinking about these things” I said, taking hold of Yarjuun and rubbing her head.
She flinched and tried to get out, “LET GOO! It huuurts!! And I’m not young!! Buaahh Ayaka help mee!!” her arms were flying in the air, trying to reach for Ayaka.
I took hold of her feet so she was in my arms completely and started wrestling with her on the bed. Both of us were everywhere while Ayaka attempted to scream but failed. Somehow she was also caught up into it. “Wow wow wow, slow it there, Ayaka’s hurt” I said. Yarjuun stopped and lay down in the middle between us.
“Can’t we do something fun?” Yarjuun asked, “When’s the next full-moon?”
“Tomorrow” I replied.
“What’s so special about full-moons?” Ayaka asked.
“Shou loves full-moons!”
“I do not”
“Sure you do. Didn’t you say, ‘ah moon if you were a lady I would always lay beside you and look at you’” Yarjuun went on.
“That doesn’t even make sense” I said, annoyingly.
“Alright alright. But Shou still likes the moon. Let’s walk around the castle!”
“I’d like that” Ayaka mumbled.
“Then tour around the castle it is” I said and stood up.

We went towards the main hall and it looked busy as ever. Sometimes we had to move to give the workers some space. “Who’s this?” Ayaka asked, looking towards a wall.
“Shou’s mother!” Yarjuun said enthusiastically.
I followed both their gazes and looked at the pale woman sitting on a chair with her back straight. She had pale golden hair and looked quite opposite to me, she was beautiful and confident. Whilst I looked gloomy and had pitch black hair. Sometimes I wondered what her reaction would have been if she knew my origins? If she knew I was a wolf?
“How is she like?” Ayaka asked.
“Strict but caring, I guess. She was very fragile, her eyes were weak against light and she would easily faint in the sun too.” I explained, “But she would always make an effort for her people. In parades she would stand outside in the sun for hours but still smile. She was a true Queen”
“You love her”
I looked at Ayaka, “I loved her. She is dead now”
Ayaka quickly looked down on the floor, “I-I’m sorry.”
“You have no reason to be sorry, you haven’t done anything” I frowned.
“This is depressing! Let’s continue”
“Alright little princess” I said, smiling and followed wherever she wanted to go.
Yarjuun kept on walking deeper inside the castle but avoided the area where the chamber was, what a smart little child she is. I would do anything to distract Ayaka from asking questions about the vampire.
We somehow ended up outside of father’s room and he dashed out, looking horrid. Once he looked at us all three, he straightened his back and coughed, “What have we here” he said.
“Hey grandfather!” Yarjuun said, grinning.
Father patted Yarjuun’s head, “How are you Ayaka?”
Ayaka straightened her back and her eyes were wide, “Me? I-I’m fine thanks” she said, stressing.
“I see. I’m sorry, I’m thinking of securing this place with guards now” he explained, “Shou…is Liam out there?”
“If you’re wondering if he’s doing your dirty work, then he is” I said, harshly. Suddenly, all the anger that I tried suppressing was starting again and my hands were shaking. If father had done something instead of sitting here than nothing would have happened, Ayaka wouldn’t be hurt and she wouldn’t need to know about vampires. The world I didn’t want her part in.
“In private, Shou. These are private matters” father replied back, “And control that temper of yours. You might hurt someone”
“I might hurt someone?” I said in disbelief, “Let’s go now” I ordered both Ayaka and Yarjuun.

We were walking upstairs in pure silence. “Why is it Shou, that wherever we go, you’ll always bring some anger with us? Or sadness?” Yarjuun mumbled. “You should be happy!!”
“How should I be happy when Ayaka is hurt? How will I know she won’t be hurt again?”
“ooooh” Yarjuun sung out, smugly, “She could start sleeping in your room” she suggested.
“What! That’s absurd!” I exclaimed.
“Then continue to live in constant fear for her safety”
I took hold of her head and rubbed it again, “Why are you such an annoying brat?”
“Owwie!!” she cried out.
“Y-you shouldn’t be fighting over me. I’ll be fine somehow, I’m getting better” Ayaka said.
“No. You’ll stay in my room now”
“No buts, this is an order from the prince” I said, grinning.
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Fribergska - 3 feb 12 - 20:48- Betyg:
gillar serien, men Ayaka är alldeles för vän. Inga frågor, inga protester.
Bara tjäna. Hrmm....

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3 feb 12 - 11:42
(Har blivit läst 101 ggr.)
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