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A Princes Confession - del 29

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Kap 29
It took a tremendous effort to not get out of the castle and look for that forsaken blood sucker and kill her. My hands curled into fists, it helped me to control the anger just a bit. How did she get out? I thought.
My thoughts were quickly erased once I felt the familiar presence closing towards me. I feel Ayaka’s head on my chest and my anger vanished like thin air. I noticed her shaking against me, what did you usually do during these times? I thought.
What my mother used to always do when I was scared, she would always embraced me. But that was a feeling from a mother, it couldn’t be the same if I did so to her? Or could I? Would she feel secure? Or would she think I would…do something towards her?
I slid my arm underneath her waist and turned my body just a bit towards her, closing her in towards me, until I could lay my chin on top of her head. She smelt of fresh berries but also a tad bit of blood.
“Does it hurt?” I ask her.
“I think I’m more shocked than hurt…” her voice was weak. To me, she looked so fragile.
“I’m sorry, this shouldn’t have happened to you”
“I just want an explanation”
“Well you’ve got all the rights to…but for now, just sleep. I’ll protect you”

I woke up earlier than her and went down to the kitchen. To get something for her to eat. On the way I looked at the time, it was six in the evening. Coldness swept to me once I opened the kitchen door and I was welcomed by rich smells and mists.
“M’lord! What is your grace doing here?” one of the maids asked, bowing.
“Nothing. Continue with whatever you were doing” I murmured and went towards the cabinet with lots of fresh baked breads. “Well, get me some butter and cheese” I ordered one of them.
She quickly came with them but stumbled a bit on her way. “I-I could make this for you”
I thought for a second and then stepped away, “Do you know what Ayaka likes to eat?” I asked.
“Yes your grace”
“Then make it”
“And does your grace want the usual?”
“No I’m not hungry”
Once she was finally done I went back to the room with the brick of bread and any type of drinks. I suddenly felt just like when she did.
Ayaka was sitting on the bed, but resting her back towards the load full of pillows. “I’m sorry, I should be doing this” she said faintly, frowning.
“No worries” I grinned and sat beside her, putting the tray gently on her lap. “I don’t know what you like” I said.
She smiled, “Same goes for me”
“You don’t know about yourself?” I smirked.
“Of course I do!” she hissed, “I meant you. I know nothing about you.”
I looked away, “It’s best that way”
“But that is my call to make!” she pleaded.
“Alright, let’s play a game.” I said, Ayaka nodded while she was nibbling on her food. “I will ask anything and both of us have to answer and then it’s your turn” I explained. “I can start so you get a hang of it” I suggested as I saw her confused face.
“Did you ever do something you weren’t supposed to?” I asked her.
“Um…I used to disguise myself as a boy and gamble…” she mumbled, her cheeks were red.
My eyes widened, “WHAT!? Then…those guys from before? At that amusement park, did you gamble with them?” I asked, my curiosity rising.
“Yeah” she averted her eyes.
I started to laugh and she flinched, “You are one funny little girl!”
“So what did you do?”
“Me? Um…I was usually very disobedient and still am a bit. Once I put a lizard in my father’s wine and he blamed a poor maid. I also exchanged hot water to ice cold water when my father always took a bath. He also blamed another poor maid” I explained but I saw the disapproval look on her face and I sighed, “But the biggest must be, getting out of the castle to the village”
Ayaka frowned, “Why?” she asked.
“When I was little, I did very bad things. I had very short temper, you could say I had anger management problems. So my father and mother thought it was best if I was locked up inside here”
“That’s horrible! But you aren’t that angry…” she almost choked on the last part.
“I could get even worse than how I treated you before” I said in a warning tone, “Now another question! You start!” I smiled towards her. “And eat your food properly”
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Fribergska - 1 feb 12 - 19:41- Betyg:
Så gulligt. Hon ÄR ju bra för honom :-)

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1 feb 12 - 14:30
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