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Jinxx [Oneshot]

No one really knows my true name, niether do I, after so many years of electric shocks and all kinds of different drugs and medications. Here I go by the name of "Raven". There`s not a soul in this facility thet doesn`t know who I am. I am the one who sees Blue Jays on peoples shoulders, I am the one who killed the guards, but the main thing is... I am the one who escaped.

The first time I ever took a life was a monday afternoon. I was 5. I was lying on the roof with a slingshot, aiming for the trees. To be honest, I was trying to hit an apple, that was dangling from the branch. I had tried to hit that apple before, but never succeeded. Once I finally got enough curage, I let go of the rock, and I actually hit the apple! Or so I thought... When I got down from the roof and walked across the lawn, I found, not an apple, but a Blue Jay. When I saw blood gushing out of the wound, I felt something I`ve never felt before. I felt something growing deep, down inside of me. Something I knew would never go away.
Apparently, one of my neighbours saw me that day, when I shot that bird, and she decided to spread the word. Soon everybody knew what I had done.
A few days later I kept seeing Blue Jays everywhere, on peoples shoulders. I figured that the best thing I could do was to tell my parents about it. Of course, as expected, they didn`t belive me.
After a while things got worse, and this time when I told my parents they just looked at me strangley. That`s how I ended up here, at Dr. Roberts Istitution for Lunatics.
When I see a Blue Jay on a persons shoulder, I get the sudden urge to kill. The wierd part is that it is just on some people. When it`s there I try to controle that urge, but it isn`t as easy as it sounds.
I haven`t had the urge to kill someone in a while, but last night it came back.
It made me kill one of the guards.

A know on my door woke me up from my dream.
"Raven, you have a visitor." I looked up on the door and I saw the guard, who was smiling at me through the tiny window.
"This is Dr. Jinxx Smith, he wants to have a talk with you."
I heard a bird twitter and my eyes went to his shoulder. What I saw made me freeze in shock. What the hell?!
"It`s red." I murmured in amazement. Dr. Jinxx furriwed his eyes in confusion.
"What`s red?" I ignored his question and continued to stare at the bird. The guard snorted.
"Just ignore that, she talks crasy." The guard opened the door. "Please, come with me to my office."

"Please, have a seat." he said and pointed at one of the chairs. I carefully sat down in the chair and noticed that he was watching my every move.
"What did you mean by "it`s red"?" I narrowed my eyes at him, contemplating whether I should tell him about the Blue Jays or not. He noticed my hesitation and scribbled down something on his writing pad.
"The bird... It`s red." I mumbled
"What bird?"
"The one on your shoulder..." suddenly a smirk appeared on my face. "...Dr. Smith." He raised his right eyebrow, smiled and shook his head.
"You are exactly as I thought you would be." I was just about to as him what he meant when the guard opened the door. "It`s time to go."
Dr. Smith stood up and walked towards me. I jumped up from the chair and backed away from him.
"What`s going on?!"
"You have to trust me." he held his hand out towards me. I looked over to the guard, and then back at Dr. Smith. I grasped his hand in mine and we ran for it.

Just as we were about to run through the exit door, the alarm went off.
"We need to run faster!" Dr. Smith shouted and pushed the door open, pulling me after him. He dragged me over to his car and pushed me into the backseat. He ran over to the driver seat, opened the door and got in. He turned around and commanded me to put my seatbelt on.
"You put your seatbelt on." I muttered, quetly, hoping that he wouldn`t hear me. The glare I got from him told me otherwise. He started the car ad we drove off.

"What do you need me for anyway?" He smirked and looked at me through the rear-view mirror.
"I don`t need you, you are the one who needs me." he stated as if it were obvious. I turned my head to the side. He had knowledge about my condition. Slowly I looked up at the star filled sky and saw the constillation of a little bear.
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thiswillpass - 17 jan 12 - 17:53- Betyg:
Riktigt bra och spännande!

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10 jan 12 - 05:04
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