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The nothings prologue

We are those known as nothing, but we are also those known as everything. We are Neptune, protectors of the world, oracles of the unknown and warriors of the known. We have seen a terrible future that we alone cannot prevent. We have seen destroyed lands and dead people. We have seen the doom of the world. We cannot prevent it, thus we have searched for someone to do it in our stead. We have seen you brave warrior. With a sword in your hand we can trust you to fulfil this mission given to you by us, by the Neptune. We have heard your voice among the others, clearer, stronger. You may not know of the power you possess and it may take you a while to realize you have it, but we have faith in your abilities. We have not seen strength, but strength is not always necessary. We have seen other things, things that make you special. You can obtain the strength needed along the way, while on your journey, but be warned. There are those who will try to stop you. We have seen them, the creatures of dark and the creatures of night. Some of them may appear innocent or willing to help. Remember not to trust them. It’s in their nature to trick anyone who passes by, but you will need allies you can trust. Choose wisely young warrior and get the weapons needed. Seek us, the Neptune and we will give you a sword that only you should wield. We have seen great things in your future if you survive the challenges. Remember what you’ve been told. It’s time to wake up young warrior. They’re calling for you. Remember your purpose and fulfil your quest. We will be waiting for you…
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Likeyoudcare - 7 jan 12 - 19:09
Låter väldigt, väldigt intressant! Mejla gärna när nästa del kommer ut :)

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5 jan 12 - 11:05
(Har blivit läst 63 ggr.)
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