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Survival - kritik!

Once upon a time, a little girl stood in front of a huge, white and beautiful house. The girl looked around with her big, green eyes. She was poor, only dressed in a small jacket who had been repaired a several times. Her feet was bare and her hands cold. The girl was freezing. The little one actually lived in this handsome house. But the house only was a facade. The inside of the house was horrible. There were no furnitures and the few furnitures who existed, her parents used. The girl had to sleep on the floor. The family had no food, the farm went bad and there was only a few sick animal left on the grange, which couldnt be used as food. The girl was only eight years old and had to live on her own. Find food, clothes, a place to sleep at and find a way to not freeze til death. The house lay far away from nearest village so the girl couldnt escape to that village. And even if she could, noone would take care of her. After all she was just a skinny young girl, one more person to feed. The village already had enough troubles, and thats the same reason her mother sent her out. They had no chance to survive the coming winter if the little girl also lived there, they didnt see the fact that the girl only had a place to sleep in that house. She was ejected and had to live all on her own.
Just beside the house there lay a dark, scary forest. Inside that forest there was a lot of wild animals, who was one of the reason that the animals on the farm were gone. The girl was forbidden to walk into that forest. But which other choice did she have? It was the only way to a village she knew she could stay in. She was sure of that, because her grandmother lived there and she owned plenty of money. Before the girl began to walk on her long journey, she went to the stable. She said goodbye to the sick horse and goodbye to the skinny cow. She considered to take the horse with her, but decided not to. She couldnt be so mean to her parents and especially not to the horse, because she loved it. She loved all animals, except all the animals who wanted to eat her up. So the girl started to walk alone with heavy steps, not knowing if she ever would come back or if she would reach her goal. She could just as well stay in the huge scary forest forever. Alone and sooner or later, dead.

Ge mig nu all kritik som finns! Minsta lilla sak som ni kan hitta! Grammatik, ord, synonymer, meningsbyggnad och så vidare. Detta är för att jag vill bli bättre på engelska. Jag behöver hjälp så ge mig KRITIK! OBS: Jag fick ta bort alla appostrofer eftersom det inte gick att lägga in då :)
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