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A Princes Confession - del 25

Kap 25
Are you fine down there? Liam cried out.
I took that as if he could see me and nodded. It was a bit slippery standing on top of a rock but it gave a better view to the blood sucker if she was looking for me. I took my knife and cut my hand so my scent could reach to wherever the Vampire was, speeding its hunt.
The breeze was chilly and the setting around the woods felt eerie. It was disturbingly quiet when the crickets had stopped singing; it was as if they noticed something inhuman here. But aside from the crickets there were no sounds of the birds either. I observed the woods for a few minutes, feeling the tension in my body building as the minutes silently passed by. Until I heard a branch break and my attention averted towards that direction till the Vampire came out from the bushes and flung into me. I steadily fixed my footings and took hold of its elbows so it didn’t have time to withdraw. The Vampire aimed at the nape of my neck and I let it for once sink its teeth into my skin. I felt sedated and shivers ran down my spine as blood was sucking out of that area it bit. Rapidly a large wolf dashed against both of us with its mouth watering. The Vampire motioned to get away from me but my grip was hard until I put all my weigh on it until both of us subdued to the ground, but with the current me, I wasn’t strong enough to hold her down. Luckily Liam jumped once she threw me out of the way and he was on top of her with his mouth against her face, pinning her down.
My back hit against the rock and I felt a burning sensation through my back, it hurt like hell but I quickly took hold of three wooden sticks and staggered to my feet. I ran towards her even though my back felt stiff and sunk one of them on each leg of hers. A sharp scream was heard and then a low hiss. She started digging her nails in to Liam and a low cry was heard. Before she was going to bite him, I pulled her down by holding her temple and took the third stick and lay it close enough to her face, pointing its edge towards her eyes.
“You know what happens when a wolf bites you and you know what happens when this surges right through you”
Instead the redhead blood sucker spat at me. That was it for her and I smashed the stick right through her brain, blood was gushing out of the area and splattered right on my hands and face, I knew that she could heal fast once I drag the stick out again. I could feel from just the stick how everything was slowly sinking in to her, the feeling of crushing her brains, the sound of bones breaking. I had to put a lot of effort to get it through to the other side.
Always so violent, Liam pointed out.
“Of course, they have to learn their place” I replied, my nose wrinkling with disdain of the smell. I stood up and sighed, wiping the blood of my hands on my pants. I would have to find a way to hide all of these clothes from Ayaka, otherwise she might think I’m some kind of a killer…well I am…
I put the Vampire on Liam’s back and both of us were walking back to the castle. We were planning to put her in our deepest chambers. I could imagine the look on Yarjuun’s face once she gets to smash the Vampire’s windpipe – over and over again.
Is that wound of yours alright? Liam asked.
I hadn’t noticed it, “I guess it is” I mumbled, placing my hand against my neck – it was healing. “She was very nice this time, aiming for my neck”
What would sound like a growl to others, sounded like a chuckle to me. Wasn’t she an it?
I frowned and shook my head, deciding not to answer to that.

After changing and cleaning up in my father’s room I went back to my room. But on my way Liam was standing towards the table in the middle of the corridor. “Who is that girl that you have around you all the time?” he asked.
I walked past him and the next moment he was walking beside me. He set his red hair into a pony tail with normal clothes on. “Just a maid” I replied.
“Really? I find that hard to believe she is just a maid. You hate maids” I hated the fact that Liam had a damn good poker face and a damn good poker voice and his damned observation on me.
I sighed, “Why are you suddenly bringing her up?”
“Well because you can’t use your room anymore for private matters. She is always in your room.” Liam frowned, “Are you sure she isn’t a whore from a petty brothel?”
I stopped and gave him one last look. “She is not a whore” I said slowly and controlling the anger.
“Too bad. I thought you needed some intimacy”
I started walking and my mouth was wide open, “What the-“
Liam grinned, which you didn’t see as often, “Just don’t get yourself hurt”
“Hurt? Me?”
“Yes. If you ever decide in telling whom you really are to the person important to you, then be ready for the consequences…it might end up them leaving you. And you know that once they run, you hunt and kill them” he explained, his eyes dead serious.
I frowned, “It seems like you speak of experience”
“Shou, I have been a wolf a very long time, even before your father. I know what I speak of”
I bit my lip, “Were you all alone when you turned?” I asked.
“No. I had her with me”
“Where is she?” I asked, emphasizing on the ‘she’ as I didn’t know who it was.
“Killed by her own people”
Before I could reply, Liam changed the topic. “I will meet you down at the chambers in a while. Tell your lover to go back to sleep” he said, grinning.
“She isn’t my lover!” I replied before entering the room.
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