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A Princes Confession - del 17

Kap 17
Each and every muscle in my body felt heavier and the bones felt broken, I lie on my bed and felt every tension in my body leaving. I let out a heavy groan and couldn’t even care less about the blood and dirt on my clothes – I just wanted to sleep.
What was the time? I thought, peering at the large clock hanging on the wall near the door. It was disgusting by all the elaborated golden swirls. The numbers were written in ancient roman. Ten in the morning! I wonder if Ayaka is awake? Probably not, I have been keeping her up all night. I thought and closed my eyes to fall into dark slumber.
Yesterday night after I got out of Ayaka’s room, I heard their wolf cries. One of the cold ones had entered the village. The village we had claimed for centuries and the cold ones had broken the treaty. I could even in my sleep feel their revolting flesh in my teeth, in my mouth. No, I’m not a cannibal in human form but in my wolf form I don’t even care who I devour. My father was also a wolf but he’s been one for a long so he could control the urge to change – I couldn’t, every full moon I change. The main reason why I am not allowed to get out of the castle is because I can get ticked off pretty fast and then I can’t control the rage.

Suddenly my eyes flutter wide open once cold water splashed on my head. I sat up straight and looked at Ayaka standing there with a stick in her hand. “GET OUT THIEF!” she screamed.
My eyebrows crease, Am I reminiscing the past? I thought confusingly. I looked around but found everything familiar, it was my room. Why was I the thief all of a sudden? My body reacted slowly as I had used every ounce of power for yesterday and felt the wooden bat hit my face.
I closed my eyes and tried to forget the burning sensation on my cheek. I tried my everything to calm down and not go berserk on her. My veins had been probably a bit visible as the anger boiled up. Ayaka took the wooden stick away and by the sound of it she was about to smack me again until I screamed. “I AM NOT A ******* THIEF YOU LITTLE BITCH!!!!”
“…Shou?” she mumbled once she dropped the forsaken wooden bat.
I breathed out slowly, “Yes. Sorry for my outburst. Come back again in twenty four hours” I mumbled and fell back again to my bed. Feeling how my stomach had given the opposite effect once I screamed, I didn’t even want to talk right now. I didn’t even want to look like this in front of her.
Suddenly, I feel gentle hands on my back and her knees on the bed, “W-what have you done!?” she exclaimed. My eyebrows creased, why are girls so annoying?
“Played in the mud and fell now get out” I ordered.
“You think I’ll believe that cheap lie? Your all covered in blood and dirt!”
“Please, I don’t feel like talking or…talking, just get out”
“Let me just wash you up!” she insisted and tried pulling me by my arm.
I yanked my arm back and took hold of her wrists, pulling her down on me. I didn’t know how much force I was using or how much strength I was using to hold her but I am really not the person to mess with right now. “Get out and come back later” I ordered between gritted teeth.
Her eyes widened and she nodded. Once I let her go, she was rubbing her wrists. I didn’t even have enough stamina to feel sorry for her. Then again the dark slumber dragged me into its wonders.

I woke up and it was around one thirty – pitch black outside. I felt way better than before but I still felt a bit stiff. A low creak was heard once the door was slowly opening. A light illuminating and a familiar figure was standing there. “You can come in” I said hoarsely.
Ayaka was a bit reluctant in coming in and I started to feel guilty. I never used to feel like that around maids…probably because I was the one that found Ayaka. She must have heard rumors about me already from the others?
I sighed, “I’m sorry for being rude” I murmured.
I gently pulled her wrists and she followed suit, closer to me. I dragged the sleeve a bit high so I could see the faint red marks. I pulled her hands up and gently kissed them. “I’m sorry”
She pulled them back quickly, “What d-did you do?”
I stood up and clapped her head, “Nothing” I said, humming as I went to the bathroom.
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