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One day at Hogsmeade. Oneshot [HP-FF]

Ursäktar för stavfel, grammatiska fel, men hoppas att ni tycker det är underbart ändå. :)

Yeah... What do I do one of these sundays in November? The chilly mornings when you just wanna stay in your bed? I crawl up from those blue blankets of Rawenclaw, sit down on the floor and put on my socks, following all of my cloths. Of newest fashion of course.

The day had barely begun when I started picking up my homework that was scattered througout the Rawenclaw girl bedroom third age. It took about fifteen minutes, and when I finished cleaning up after myself the other girls in the bedroom awoke. I walked out of the door and down the stairs to the Rawenclaw common room. Victoire sat next to a window and Teddy sat on the other side of the table.

- So, are you guys ready to go to Hogsmeade? I asked warmly and smiled, as I tossed back my maroon colored hair.
- Yeah sure. Said Teddy and stood up. He offered his hand to Victoire who took it. I could feel my jealousy make my cheeks red. I swallowed, smiled on the side of Teddy, me, him and Victorie started walking. He must have felt "bossy" then. I mean he was walking in the middle of two girls.

As we walked past Filch and over the long old bridge I could feel his fingers crawling into my hand in an attempt to hold it. I had noticed that he had let go of Victoires hand. A few seconds of thought I hugged his hand back and I felt a warm feeling spread from my fingers throughout my body.

A chilly wind blew through Hogsmeade as we approached. We walked into Madam Puddifoot´s, and a old, but good-looking lady came forth to us and led us to a table, I sat down in front of Teddy and Victoire. Victoire smiled at me, unknowing of what was going to happen.

- Why don´t you come sit on my lap? Said Teddy and looked at me. Victoire stopped smiling. I blushed so hard I couldn´t feel the coldness of my lips anymore. Teddy grinned. I stood up and walked over and sat on his side with two legs over his knees. I would´ve said that this was the moust wonderful day of my life.. Well. Of course that didn´t happen.

Victoire leaned towards Teddy´s shoulder he looked at me, grinning and under the table he held my hand. How the hell did boys think, I thought then. But I changed my mind when the old lady came to us. Asking us what to order. I don´t really remember what we ordered but I remember Teddy saying he wanted a butterbeer. How the hell he could get that there. Me and Victoire shared a box of valentine chocolate and Teddy leaned back. Touching my knees with his.Victoire took a last chocolate out of nineteen pieces, that fat-ass, anyway, she looked at Teddy, and she bend over and kissed his cheek. He smiled halfly.

- Why don´t we go to another place? He asked and stretched out his hand to help me up, he did the same with Victoire and kinda arms in arms we moved out of there. I don´t really think that Teddy ever thought of us more than his best friends.
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