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Vampire immunity

“Hey! Hey you!” somebody shouted down the narrow street. The girl the shout was undoubtedly intended for stopped, still with her back towards the shouter.
“What?” she said in a low, clear voice. The man who had shouted was now closing in, and the girl knew it. In fact, she was counting on it.
“Where are you going? Need help to find your way home?” the man asked cockily. The girl finally turned around and smiled.
“No, but there is something else you could help me with.” The man was surprised by her calmness. Usually the girls he ran into in the dark were much less composed. He slowed down a bit, almost within the girls reach.
“And what would that be?” The girl shook her head.
“First you need to answer a couple of questions. Are you alone out here?” The man frowned. Where was this going?
“Well, yeah. Why would you want to know that?”
“Just asking,” she quickly said, “and, uh, how old are you?” she asked and took a step closer. Her black hair was hanging down and a few strands of hair were framing her face, creating dark shadows. Her yellow and green eyes were fixated on the man’s brown eyes.
“I am,” he swallowed nervously, ”uh, twenty-six.” The girl, around seventeen by the looks of it, smiled again, pleased with the answers he had given her.
“That’s a nice age.” she said softly.
“Uh, thanks?” the man said, unable to take his eyes of the girl. He was sweating for some reason and he had completely forgotten why he had spoken to the girl in the first place. As she took a step closer to him he backed away, almost stumbling.
“Don’t be afraid. I’m not going to hurt you.” the girl said in a sweet, reassuring voice. The man stopped and shook his head.
“No, of course not… you’re just a girl…” he said, once again unable to remember his previous intentions and feelings. The girl stepped closer and this time the man didn’t move an inch as she moved close enough to put her hand on his shoulder.
“You are going to be just fine.” the girl then said with a very disturbing smile, disturbing because of the pointy teeth it revealed. The mans eyes widened but there was no time to react or scream.
Soon he was unconscious but the girl held him up and kept biting his neck until the poisons, that the fangs had injected, effect wore off and his heart finally stopped beating within his chest. She let go of the body and it hit the ground with a nasty sound. As she wiped the blood from her mouth her fangs retracted again, hiding what she was. She pulled out a small bottle from a pocket and poured the content over the body. When the bottle was completely empty she threw it against a wall, shattering it into tiny pieces, and brought up a match. As she lit it she whispered a few words, then she dropped it on the corpse which immediately lit up with silent, smoke free flames.
“Do you still say that chant after every single meal?”
The girl slowly turned in the direction of the dark, arrogant voice.
“What do you want, Lucious?”
“Not even a ‘hello, how are you?’”
“Get to the point. You wouldn’t be talking to me unless you had something to say.”
“So hostile, dear Nessa, but you are right, as usual. There is something I want to tell you.” Lucious said and dropped down from the rooftop he’d been standing on. Vanessa raised an eyebrow towards the older vampire, waiting.
“You know, the others are going to say you’re getting sloppy. And you know what they think of sloppiness.”
It was obvious he had caught Vanessa’s attention and insecurity showed in her face but her voice was still cold and calm.
“What do you mean? I have done nothing wrong.” she said. Lucious moved uncomfortably close to her and bent down to whisper in her ear.
“There is someone here, hiding. You have left a witness. An unforgivable thing to do, wouldn‘t you say?”
The delight in his voice was obvious. Vanessa’s eyes widened.
“Where?” she hissed, and jumped around. Lucious pointed towards a dark, narrow alleyway and his eyes widened with surprise as a whimper was heard.
“What?” he said.
“What are you so surprised about? It was you who said it was there.”
“I… I was only kidding around, to scare you. But… there really is someone there.”
Nessa shook her head at the older vampire. So she had searched the place thoroughly, as she thought.
But why hadn’t she, or even Lucious, smelled, sensed, heard or even seen the human until now?

Um, jag veet inte riktigt vad det här är eller blir xD Men men, kommentarer är så jävla välkomna <3
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Kommentarer - (Snittbetyg: 5)
Hexan94 - 16 aug 11 - 18:42
Ska bli ;D
Lovehurtsbadly - 16 aug 11 - 15:57- Betyg:
Gillar :D

Maila när nästa kommer ut :D
Hexan94 - 16 aug 11 - 13:59
Tack hörni! <3
Klart jag mejlar ;D
Edwin82Therese98 - 16 aug 11 - 13:06
Ååååh! Älskar ju vampyrer, och då ska det ju vara riktiga. Riktigt bra skrivet, längtar efter fortsättning! Haha mejla nästa annars typ ... GÖr jag något >.<!!!

/Förjävliga hälsningar Trezzan >:D
Fribergska - 16 aug 11 - 10:53- Betyg:
Börjar riktigt bra! Nyfiken :-)

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16 aug 11 - 04:03
(Har blivit läst 68 ggr.)
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