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Airport 1/7/11

På grund av diktas idiotisa kodning, att man inte kan använda apostrofer i sina texter använder jag motvilligt accenter istället. Det tar emot något så fruktansvärt

I´m hungover on sleeping pills and cheap wine. The flight-attendant yelled at me for not knowing how to use the check-in machine. I envisioned myself punching her in the mouth and then throwing the teeth at her. I wait outside the gate. I´m too early and there´s a tiny guy in a too-big blazer and trainers. He has a plastic thai mail-order wife. She´s loud but looks like she sucks like a blowjob goddess. An unfocused blur. My head is spinning and I´m losing vision just as they begin boarding. I´m fucked.


I´m thrown back into reality as I hear the conversation of two city-girls with a quarter-inch thick layer of make-up. I have somehow ended up on the plane. The girls talk about their boyfriends. They have supid names. The girls speak very loud and watches me. Their eyes tell me "Yeah. We have boyfriends. You can´t have this". Thank god.


Naussea kicks in as I leave the plane. Connecting flight. Layover. One hour and $10 coke and dry-freezed bagel later I´m almost feeling OK. My blood-sugar is probalby low because I´m still light-headed. Chocolate bar. "Buy two, get one free". Such a sucker for the red price-tags. An annoying kid wont shut up about the snow. We´re in Sweden and it´s January.
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Elwine - 27 aug 11 - 12:33- Betyg:
Väldigt bra och intressant:) gillar sättet du skrivit på.

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14 aug 11 - 15:33
(Har blivit läst 75 ggr.)
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