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Cure Me (M / M ) *Kap 1 *

Transferring from China at the age of 10 can’t have been an easy move. Even though Alex was pretty good at Korean, he still found it hard adjusting. I met him when I was 16. Our meeting was the most cliché and cringe-worthy meeting we could have possibly had. It was like we were in a drama:
Aish! So late for class!I remember thinking as I scurried down the narrow corridor to biology. My laces were untied but I couldn’t waste any time doing them up so stupidly I carried on running. As I turned the corner into the science department, I tripped on my laces and fell with a loud crash to the floor, my bag spilling open and books pouring out. Cursing myself, I hurried to try and shove them back in when I found a pair of masculine hands copying my actions. I didn’t look up until all the books were back safely in my bag and I was stood up. When I did look up, I gasped a little at the man in front of me. I hadn’t seen him before, he must be new, I thought.
“Hello, I’m Alex, nice to meet you.” He politely introduced himself.
And that’s how we became friends.
He was someone that I could tell every single little detail of my life and emotions to. He didn’t care that I talked for hours, describing all the insignificant things as if they were the main feature; and he didn’t care that some of things I said were absolutely insane. If he wasn’t like me, there’s no way he would’ve stuck with me for so long. I listened to him as well. I could listen to him for days. His voice was charming and cool. I liked to look at his mouth when he talked; I liked the movements it made.
I’d always known I wasn’t straight. It’s not something you choose, you’re just… like that. Girls didn’t interest me in the slightest. They were fake and bitchy and generally tiring- the ones who weren’t were lesbians. Alex was gay as well… another thing we had in common. To begin with, I had no romantic or sexual feelings towards him at all. Sure, he was drop dead gorgeous- the whole school knew that-, but his kindness towards me made me think of him as more of a big brother. He constantly had girls (and boys) throwing themselves at him, begging for his hands all over their body; but Hangeng never once obliged. I got the feeling that he thought of himself as my protector, and if he left me even for one second, something bad would happen.
After a year and a half, my feelings began to grow for Alex in a different direction than our friendship. I started to crave him like the other students did; yearning for his smooth tanned skin on my pale flesh. For a few months I kept it to myself, admiring him when he wasn’t looking, cherishing the little touches he gave me and the big warm bear hugs every so often. I enjoyed him company more than anything and we began to spend more time together- which was hard as we already spent most days with each other. We would go to his house after school and watch a movie or a couple of episodes of a drama, then he’d make some dinner and then we’d go to his room and talk for hours. It was amazing that we never ran out of things to say. I don’t even know what we’d talk about… just anything that came to mind about school, the world, the past, the future.
Anyway, it happened on a Friday night. We arrived at his as usual and watched our favourite film Koizora (we both balled with tears, of course), but instead of having dinner we didn’t move, just stayed where we were, our cheeks wet from tears. We were both extremely tired and my head was resting on his chest with his arm round my shoulder. It was nothing romantic- to him- but it was just how intimate we were… our style. I sighed in contentment and closed my eyes.
“Eli?” Alex said in a small voice.
“Mmm?” I replied, lifting my head to look at him.
Then gently, with no warning, he pressed his lips against mine.
I lost my virginity that night, and it truly couldn’t have been to anyone more perfect. After that we decided to become official. Alex’s admirers were distraught that he was now taken, but no one cared about me. They assumed it was out of pity. But Alex and I truly did have something special.
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