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A man once told me. (Oneshot in english.)

A man once told me of his wifes funeral, he explained it as the moust beautiful funeral ever seen by a mans eye.

It was in the middle of the night, when the moon was full and looked like a golden coin. She had a red dress covering her body with a long drag. Her eyes were open, and they looked like if she obsessed the sea. Candles were lit all around the graveyard. Her face was pale as snow and her long curly black hair rested against her shoulders. Her lips were dark purple because of the blood losing. Red rose petals were scattered all around her funeral chest made of oak. The people around her cried. The man of her life were quiet. He mourned her death quitetly and begged for death aswell. His suit wasn´t black as all the other peoples dresses. It was white. The rain started falling down like a waterfall and soon every guest at the funeral was wet against their bodies. The man dressed in white took up a necklace of gold with an emerald in the middle and laid it in her hand and closed it. The candles extinguished of the rain and left the Graveyard dark. The man turned around and walked up the steps to the church to get out of the Graveyard. A chilly wind blew through his heart and his mind and he could hear a whisper far far away. "I will always love you my beloved huspant." By these words he started to cry. He lost control of himself and fell to the ground. Crying for hours. Wanting to hear to voice again.

The trees whispered; Take care, my child.
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3vv3 - 14 aug 11 - 03:41
Lite stavfel, och grammatiska fel. Men annars var den bra. :)

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13 aug 11 - 19:28
(Har blivit läst 77 ggr.)
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