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A story about love

She: I love you!
He: I love you too.
She: I’ll never leave you.
He: I’ll always be there for you.
She: I’ll never stop loving you.

Years go…

He: Honey?
She: Yes?
He: I’ve met someone else…
She: But… You said…
He: I´m leaving you…
She: No! Wait!
He: Bye
She: But I love you and you said that you always would love me too!
He: It´s over, just get over it.
He walks out from the house that they´ve been sharing for four years. She sinks down on the floor. Staring at the door. Hoping he will change his mind and come back. But he doesn´t. She sits there in three days just waiting and crying. She doesn´t eat and she doesn´t drink. She can’t even get up on her feet.
When he comes back to pick up his stuff he founds her sitting where he left her. She doesn´t even looks at him. She doesn´t know that he is there. He lifts her up and carries her to his car. He starts the car and drives away. Then she sees him. And a smile is spread on her face. He drives for an hour without even looking at her, and then he stops the car, gets out and lifts her up. He walks slowly and she lays her arms around his neck. And rest her head against his chest. He doesn´t walk far. He takes her into a big house. She doesn´t know where he’s going, and she doesn´t care. As long as she is with him. She hears him talking to someone. And then he is handing her over to somebody else. She doesn´t understand what´s happening. She keeps holding her arms around his neck and refuses to let go. She feels someone drag her away from him. She screams in pain. Because she knows that somebody just has dragged her heart apart again. And this time it won´t heal. She screams and tries to hit and kick the people around her. She hears people talking loud and then everything gets black.
She wakes up in a bed in a white room. She tries to lift her arms, but she can´t. They´re stuck. A woman stands on the left side of the bed.
Woman: Hello, I´m May and I´ve been looking after you while you were asleep. Do you know where you are?
She shook her head. She has no idée.
Woman: You´re with us on St. Michael’s mental hospital.
She looks at the woman. She can´t believe what she just heard. She closes her eyes and prays to god that he´ll let her die. Asks him to bring her home. But he doesn´t listen and a tear fall from her eye.
As time goes by she gets better. Her favorite place is a big chair by the window. She always looks after him. Maybe he will come some day, but he doesn´t. And one day is she ready to go home. She has got a little house in the city. She goes out and meets new friends and she´s happy. She starts seeing a new man and she really likes him. And one day he calls her and invites her to a special dinner in a very fancy restaurant. Under the dinner they talk and laugh. When it´s almost over he looks her deep in her eyes and take her hands. He opens him mouth and say: I love you. It brings her back in time. To another restaurant, with another man. A man who she had loved more that she ever had loved someone else. And that she still loves. It gets too much and she drags her hands out from his and runs out from the restaurant. Her telephone starts to ring, but she doesn’t care, she just runs. She run to a place where she feels safe, where no one can hurt her. He storms in threw the big doors to St. Michel´s mental hospital. She stops in the middle of the hall, knowing that everybody is looking at her. And then she says:
-May, I need May.
And then she collapse. She steps up from the floor and looks down on her body. She looks up on the people around it. And she smiles, because she knows that her prayers finally have come true. God has sent an angel to bring her home.
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