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Engelska novell

Jag vill börja med att säga att jag hemskt gärna vill att ni kommenterar om det är något stavfel, grammatisk fel eller något som blir konstigt i handling. Det här en av mina absolut första engelska noveller så kritik mottages gärna :-)

I was reading the newspaper when an article caught my interest. It was an article about a car accident there a teenager had lost her parents. It was a really sad history, a sob story. The girl told that an alcoholic man had drove the car that had crashed into her parents’ car and both had died. She finished her story with a sentence that would fit very well into my life in the future
“One mistake can take your life”

It was Friday and after school I had a really important surfing competition. I had loaded for it the whole week and I was really excited. If I did well in the competition I would be accepted to the college of my dreams. After school my parents drove me to my surfing club and I warmed up, stretched and loaded mentally. This was the most important competition in my lifetime. If I failed my life would be destroyed. I knew I wasn’t meant to go at one of the regular college. I was meant to go at a surfing college – the best surfing college in the whole world.
I knew that when or if I would go through the famous blue double doors I would feel like coming home and I would be happier than ever before. And this Friday the competition that would decide my future took place. Only two people of the hundred that compete would be picked to go at the exclusive college. Last weekend me and my dad bought a new surfing board, it actually was a little bit more expensive than my family usually can afford with. But my father said that he would do everything to make my happy. So now I had a wonderful board, the weather was fantastic and I felt great!
I took my board under my arm and walked towards the ocean- the blue, warm, wonderful ocean. After a while one of the judges told me that I was allowed to start. I was really nervous but I swam out and found the perfect wave and started to ride it. When I was on top of the wave with the sun shined at my back I thought ‘this is it! I will come into the college of my dreams because this was the best competition I ever had done. But the only thing that wasn’t allowed to happen happened. I lost my balance and fell.
I don’t remember much after that expect that my new expensive surfing board had got into two pieces and one of the pieces had hit my head and I had collapsed.
The next time I woke up I was at one of the best hospitals in USA. I had lot of hoses on me and I couldn’t breathe without help. I tried to move but I was stuck and my whole body hurt. My mother saw that I had waked and came to me and she told me that I had been in coma for two weeks. That really freaked me out, had I really been here two weeks? I didn’t remembered anything at all.
When I had been awaked for a while my little sister came into my room and hugged me and said “can we play hopscotch now?” I had to laugh a little, my little sister was only five years old and she didn’t really understood why I doesn´t could play with her. “Soon we can play again”, I said. But I doesn’t even believed in that myself. I had brooked my back and my head was bad damaged and I had also got a pneumonia. My doctor said that I was very, very lucky to even be awake.
The next month I was at the hospital all the time and I really struggled to get hale, it was a really hard time and I really got time to think about what could had happened. If I had… no I can’t say it, it is too painful to think about. If my family had lost me they would probably fall into pieces because I was the one that hold my family together.
One day my doctor told me that I could follow my family home. I got really surprised and became very happy. The doctor said that I wasn’t allowed to train in any way and especially not surf.
But one day when my parents were at their jobs and my little sister was at a friend’s house I took my old board and went to the beach. I hadn’t actually planned for it but I swam out with my board and found a wave. I thought it went very well so I ride some more waves and some more again. But when I was far away from the beach I felt that my head wasn’t so good, everything spun and I didn’t know where I was. I started to regret that I had gone surfing so early after my injuries. I tried to swam a little but it was very difficult. Soon I couldn’t swim no more and I started to sank but the thought of my family made me fight a little bit more and I headed up to the surface. I found my board and laid me down on it for a while but then a big wave came and the board went from me again. I saw how it was taken further and further out with the help of eddy currents that have arisen. The fine, sunny weather had quickly switched to a real storm with heavy rain and large attics. I still fought hard in the water and I began to see the country but my back started to hurt and after a while, I had become paralyzed. I realized that I wasn’t going to be able to swim.
I learned to swim when I was four years old and I learned to surf when I was six. So it was pretty ironic that I couldn’t swam the little stretch to the beach. Then I felt worthless, like I was a child that couldn’t swim how much I even tried. And at the moment I thought so many thoughts. I thought about my lovely friends, that I really loved and my family that I loved even more, I thought about the surfing college. The dream seemed so naive now. I thought about everything I never would be able to do, marry me, get children or win the surfing world competition. I would never see my little sister again, not see her first day to school and not be there when she needs help with her homework. I will never get a grandchildren or travel abroad. My mother and father will be hysterical when I don’t come home tonight and the will look everywhere for me. I wondered if anyone never would find me. I looked to the beach one last time and sent a final thought to my family before I let my arms stop moving.
I let go of everything and sank slowly down into the dark ocean and I would never reach the surface again.
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LisaHoglund - 13 maj 11 - 00:44
Hm, det jag tänkte på var att det stod "I had brooked my back", jag är rätt säker på att det ska vara "I had broken my back". Annars var det ingenting som var fel som jag lade märke till, inte på rak arm i alla fall :)
Men jag tyckte att det var en jättebra historia med vackert men sorgligt slut som var väldigt bra skriven. Jättebra jobbat, med andra ord, du är duktig både på engelska och på att skriva! :D

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10 maj 11 - 20:46
(Har blivit läst 55 ggr.)
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