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Nicholes Life HP-FF (Del 14) [English Part]

I want this part to be unusual :P So im writing in english to see if im good enough<3 See ya suckerz


I flew over to a litte pool made by the slighty dropping rain to see how i looked in my animagus form. I landed easy on the wet ground infront of the shimmering pool and looked into the water. There was a black bird, whit a orange neb(beak?) and tiny round black shimmering eyes. I flew into the air again. It was a incredible feeling. I flew up in circles and looked around on the ground, there was alot of houses even on the countryside. The biggest was of course mothers manor, the black great manor whit a dark black lake a hundred metres away, the darkgreen garden were still surrounded by red roses, tough the sky was dark dark gray. A wind took me by and grabbed me for a bit. When I finally could fly by myself again I was close to ground, and I decided to land and change to my normal form again, wich leaved a feather behind, I picked it up and put it in my pocket, then I started walking.

I walked up the road to the manor for a while until I came to smaller one that I swung into. It was the path down to the lake. The brown/oranged leafs rustled under my feet as I walked towards the blue shimmering water and the brown colored bridge. Some black and white pebbles were laying near the shore. I went out on the bridge, mumbled something and kept going, the lake hade frozen from my mumble-spell and i walked towards the middle. I sat down looking towards the sky, the ice wasnt cold, it was perfect. I looked upon the stars coming this evening, a full-moon was shining bright over the ice that made it shimmer. I got afraid for a second, the ice was invisible, or well, it was because it was shimmering, actually it seemed like laying on water. The water splashed towards the slight ice, making an incredible sleeping sound, and soon I fell asleep.


"Where is she!" I cried out while I had my hands over my face, "calm down," Sirius said, his voice sounding very calm. "What if he finally got it?" I said low, thinking of what the Dark Lord told me, or what he wanted from me. "Im sure Nichole is out there somewhere, just believe that she is," Sirius said, trying to calm me down again. "I hope your alright," I said, trying to sound calm, so that he was going to release my arms. Wich he did. "Do you know what Victoria did to me earlier?" I said trying to sound even calmer and not have another freak out. He shook his head. "i´ll go look for her," Sirius said loud, before making me sit down on the red velvet bed. He gave me a fast kiss on the forhead, then he slightly walked out of the room. Before he got all the way out I saw a black fluffly tail disapear behind the wall. I lay down on the soft bed, close my eyes but could´nt sleep. I sat up again and got up, then I walked out of the room and started walking towards the kitchen.

I tought of what Victoria told me when we met earlier, but I never sold Lily to Voldemort, it was Peter. Pettigrew all the time, maybe that was why he ran out in nightfall and never where available? Anyways she said she did´nt wanted to see my disgusting rich bony face at her house again. I could´nt help that the rage inside myself took over and made a long crucio spell at her before her huspant Aron came. I disapeared as fast as I had came and I got back to the house. It´s been severals hours now, though it went fast. I took up my wand from my dress and pointed it towards a bookshelf in the library, it opened and I stepped in. The room was slighty green, and some papers was on a great oath table in the middle, some Dark Art books was in the shelfes in the side of the room and four-five photos that were broken, was left on the table. I went slightly forward sitting down and took up a photo that were ripped in two pieces, of course it was the dumb picture I had whit me and Lucius. I could´nt help that I giggled, but then I went quiet again, I failed to kill him twice, though it went fine to damage him. I put it down, or well I threw it away. The other pictures was of my childs, Nichole still had black hair when she was seven. Behind her in the photo, whit a big white smile her brother stood, could´nt help but throw it away to. Maybe it was because I could´nt stand to see Nichole grow stronger, powerfuller and much more hatefuller. It was my foult, I could´nt help but say yes to The Dark Lord.


I woke up freezing, so I sat up on the now much colder ice, just over me a few dementors flew. They had´nt realised me yet, but how could they not? Or did´nt I have any happy thoughts? A big crack sounded over the empty night and I flew up on my legs, just abit away a boy wandered towards me, I realised who it was, but I could´nt understand why he had his wand pointed towards me. I leaned my right hand over the left, and drag my black wand out, yelling "Stupefly," but he was fast, and I could´nt understand how he dared. "Avada Kedavra," He yelled, the spells lighted up the ice, the water, and the area. But as I first thought, he was´nt as strong, he was just the pathetic, dumb, snobby, and the incredible stupid guy Draco. My spell hit his wand and he fell backwards, unconscious. "Good, indeed good," a hissing shivery voice said. I suggested it was The Dark Lord. But why did The Dark Lord think it was good? And why the devil did Draco try to kill me?

I know, wierd, but it will all make sence soon :P I know my english aint that good, but it was easy english, can´t do much better :)
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JennnyJ - 13 apr 11 - 18:39
den var bra, en del gramatiska fel och ibland används fel ord, men annars var det helt okej :) vill dock fortsätta att läsa på svenska, det är mysigt ^^ annars, jag längtar efter att få förklaringar på alla frågor, ska bli spännande att läsa vidare :))
ledsen för en kort kommentar, hade tänkt försvinna iväg och skriva lite själv :D

ha det bäst! /JvJ

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13 apr 11 - 18:24
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