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Butterbeak – the blue-necked finch

Once upon a time in a deep dark forest there was a little finch. The little finch was called Butterbeak and he lived in the tallest and oldest tree in the deep dark forest. Butterbeak loved his old tree that he had found on a rainy day ten years ago but he had almost lost it because of the awful naturalist called Professor Houseroof.

Prof. Houseroof was looking out his window in his small little room that he had gotten on the boat. The rain was poring violently on the deck and the wind blew fiercely and caused the boat to rock back and forward. Houseroof was used to this kind of conditions and had adapted to it a long time ago. He often made this kind of voyages but this one was going to be different. He had got a task from his mentor to find the extinct blue-necked finch and now he had to go to the dangerous funky islands where the finch only could be found. And with this in mind he fell asleep on his bed longing for them to get there as fast as possible. Later when he woke up they had already arrived to the funky islands and Houseroof quickly got up on deck to look at the view. The sun was shining brightly and the fiercely storm was long gone. Houseroof couldn’t wait to go search for the little blue-necked finch but it would be a big effort to find it in the deep forest that didn’t really look so inviting. He knew that he had to find it or else it would be an awful big disgrace and his mentor wouldn’t be happy. He had to prevail and wouldn’t let anything get in his way like predators or angry Indians. He washed himself and then carefully packed his bag with everything he would need. Then he went out in the deep forest and began his search for the little blue-necked finch.

Butterbeak was looking for some delicious mint that he just loved to eat on one of these sunny warm days. He flew and searched for hours to find the right species of mint so that he wouldn’t get the one that was poisonous. After a while he got tired of looking and sat down in his new wonderful old tree that he had found the day before when it was raining so much. While he was resting he could hear a strange noise and it came right towards him. He could hear someone singing and wondered what it could be. He got a little closer to the singing voice to se what it was.

Houseroof was walking happily through the jungle all sweaty singing on his favorite song. He had been walking for hours looking after that damn finch and all that he had seen was some ants, two monkeys that took his hat, a swarm of mosquitoes that almost ate him alive and a species of mint that unfortunately was one of the poisonous kind so he could not take it. He stopped singing and sighed.
- “I’m never going to find that finch”, he said.
But then he heard something that got his attention, it was the blue-necked finches beautiful song. He searched desperately for the little bird in all the trees around him and there in the tallest and probably the oldest tree you could find in the forest he found the little extinct blue-necked finch staring right at him.
- “Ohh my God”, he said with a smile on his face.
- “There it is, the extinct blue-necked finch. It’s so beautiful and it’s going to be mine all mine”, he laughed quite evil.
- “Now I just have to lurk it down so I can catch it”, he said.
And then he started to build a bird trap so that Butterbeak would come down so he could finally catch him.

Butterbeak stared at the strange man that was looking at him. He had seen this kind of weird animals before, the ones that ran around in the forest with odd colures painted in their faces and with long sharp sticks that they killed other animals with. The man suddenly looked very happy and said something and then he started to build something on the ground. Butterbeak is often very curious and wondered what the man was building and decided that he would check it out ones the man had gone away. After just a couple of minutes the man finally left and Butterbeak flew down on the ground. The thing that the man had built looked like a little box. Butterbeak looked inside the box and saw the mint that he had looked for earlier this day. He just couldn’t resist so he jumped inside the box and just as he did the box closed right behind him.
Butterbeak was trapped inside the little box. He desperately tried to come out again but failed. He started to cry and longed to sit up in his newly found tree and eat some worms and look at the playing monkeys. He didn’t know how this could happen, he had checked the box so careful to se if it was a trap but then the delicious mint that he wanted so much swindled him. He should have known that the man was only trying to catch him because he knew that it wasn’t many species of his kind left. He started to eat of the mint to comfort him but it didn’t work he just had to wait for the man to get back and then try to escape.

Houseroof hadn’t slept at al, he was to busy thinking about if the finch had toke the bait the he put inside the trap. He had found the mint that he knew blue-necked finches loved and taken that as bait. He quickly got back to the trap to se if he had got it.
- “YES”, he screamed when he found the sad little Butterbeak inside the trap.
- “Now I finally got you”, he said as he toke up the trap.
- “Now you and I are going to take a little voyage to New York where I can show you to my mentor so I can get my reward”, he said and started walking towards his camp.

Soon after a long day of walking they came to the beach where the boat was. Houseroof was exhausted from all the walking and wanted to take a little nap before they would leave. He put down the box with Butterbeak on the beach and went with his bags to his room to take a nap.

Butterbeak was scared to death. He didn’t want to go this New York place with that evil man, who knew what he would do to him. Then suddenly a tortoise came crawling towards Butterbeak.
- “Hello there”, he said. – “You look awful sad”
- “Yes I am”, Butterbeak sobbed.
- “Do you want some help then, I got some spear time”, the tortoise asked.
- “Ohh yes please, I don’t want to go to New York with that awful man.
- “Okidoki then”, the tortoise said and started to gnaw on the box door.
Suddenly it opened and Butterbeak flew out into the free.
- “Ohh thank you so much Mr. Turtle”, Butterbeak said.
And then Butterbeak could fly back to his beloved tree and spend the rest of his happy life there.

The end
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aicka - 25 okt 07 - 12:48- Betyg:
Ja du den var låååångg , men bra :D Eftersom du tait sån tid att skriva
Hoppas ej är kopierad) så får du en femmma för att den oxå är på engelska :D
fridom - 13 jun 06 - 20:37
SNÄLLA kommentera ^^

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13 jun 06 - 20:27
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