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Dikter om sorg

You protect me and I protect you?

There is a pain in my heart
And tears on my cheeks..
You may not believe it,
but you are one of the
best people I know.
And when your trust in me fails,
I hurt..

You say I can´t understand,
Without even explaining..
You think that my wiew of the world,
Is naiv like a little girls,
But even I can understad cruelty..

The one thing I want
In the whole world right now,
Is your faith in me,
Like the one
you used to have,
before eveything
became what it is..

My heart is aching,
and I´m lowering my head
in a prayer,
while the tears
drop to the floor..

I know that you probably
never will read this.
And maybe
that´s for the best,
you might think
I´m overly protective.
But just know
that I love you,
very much.
I hope that everything
isn´t over yet..

You protect me

and I protect you..

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Chenso - 21 feb 11 - 21:48
Förstod det
Eclipse - 21 feb 11 - 20:39
Vartenda ord...
Chenso - 21 feb 11 - 15:34
Den är sann...?
candy_fluff87 - 5 feb 11 - 22:13
väldigt fint

Skriven av
5 feb 11 - 21:35
(Har blivit läst 167 ggr.)
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